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Bodies of teenagers who disappeared 21 years ago in a car submerged in a river have been found Journal Mediamax

Bodies of teenagers who disappeared 21 years ago in a car submerged in a river have been found Journal Mediamax

A veteran marine diver and YouTuber, Jeremy Sides has a YouTube channel of 100,000 subscribers. In a video posted four days ago, he showed how he located two teenagers who went missing since 2000, in the US city of Sparta, Tennessee.

In the footage, Jeremy explains that he began his investigation in November and decided to trace the path taken by teens Erin Foster and Jeremy Bechtel on the night of the disappearance, April 3, 2000.

The couple was last seen in Jeremy’s car and there were rumors they might have fallen into the river. Using advanced technology, Jeremy identified the car and dived into it to make sure it was, in fact, the car that was taking the little ones.

The YouTube user himself found that the panel proved the information. He said during the video, “I’m speechless, I’m really glad I found them. I’m really sad that they ended up like this.” Remains found in the car will still undergo DNA testing to establish their identity. In any case, Jeremy’s discovery was celebrated by the entire community of Sparta.

“The mayor…the first thing he did was hug me, without saying a word. Because he’s been actively looking for these kids since 2000,” says the YouTuber.

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