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Boccardi reveals an urgent statement from Caixa today

Boccardi reveals an urgent statement from Caixa today

Rodrigo Boccardi presents news related to Caixa and Banco do Brasil

In the last edition of Bom Dia São Paulo, which was held on Wednesday, November 22, Rodrigo Boccardi Important news broke out regarding the country’s major banks.

This is because the Globo presenter revealed a statement from Caixa and Banco do Brasil. “Up to 20 thousand Brazilian reals” He said.

In short, the broadcaster has updated information about working hours Banks’ performance due to Desenrola Brasil’s interim rating.

During Bom Dia São Paulo, Rodrigo Boccardi confirmed that CaIxa and Banco do Brasil opened their branches an hour ago It is usual because of the software.

“Caixa and Banco do Brasil branches will open one hour earlier in another phase of the Desenrola Brasil program for those with debts of… Up to 20 thousand Brazilian realssaid the anchor.

Rodrigo Boccardi in Bom Día São Paulo and Alan Severiano in SP1 (Photo: Transcription/Globo)

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Rodrigo Boccardi and Sabina Simonato crying - Internet reproduction photos

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Rodrigo Boccardi and Sabina Simonato at Bom Día São Paulo (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)

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The broadcaster then confirmed that Brazilians can also conduct the renegotiation through the Desenrola Brasil platform.

The report also revealed some rules related to the federal government’s program.

According to Globo, only Brazilians who earn up to two minimum wages and are registered with CadÚnico can participate.

Caixa and Banco do Brasil (Photo: Copy/Internet)
Caixa and Banco do Brasil (Photo: Copy/Internet)

Debt renegotiation

In this new phase, Desenrola Brasil will offer debt installments of up to R$20,000 between 2019 and December 31, 2022.

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Bank and non-bank debts, such as electricity bills, water bills, credit cards, etc., will be renegotiated.

Furthermore, debt installments can be repaid over a period of up to 60 months at an interest rate of 1.99% per month.

The average discount on debt is 83%, but in some cases discounts can reach 99%.

Desenrola Brasil (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)
Desenrola Brasil (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

What is Rodrigo Boccardi’s salary?

Rodrigo Boccardi became one of the biggest names in journalism while working for the country’s major radio stations.

The broadcaster started his career in Band and has worked on international radio stations. In 2009 he signed with Globo.

Since then, the journalist has been leading the main news programs at home. He is currently in Bom Día Sao Paulo.

But, at the end of the day, what is a caller’s salary? According to the capital portal, he receives about R$ 100,000 per month.

Rodrigo Boccardi at Bom Día Brasil (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)
Rodrigo Boccardi at Bom Día Brasil (Photo: Reproduction/Globo)

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