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Biden greets the air after a speech at an American university

US (US) President Joe Biden was in the spotlight again last Thursday (14). The president of the most powerful nation on the planet encountered at least one embarrassing situation when he stretched out his hand to the wind.

At age 79, Biden finished a nearly 40-minute lecture at a university in the state of North Carolina. Shortly after saying goodbye to the audience, the politician turned to his right and extended his hand in a congratulatory gesture.

However, according to a viral video on the internet, there was no one else on stage and no one present at the ceremony approached the head of state and exchanged cheers.

This display has been the subject of much criticism on social media. Netizens questioned Joe Biden’s sanity because this is not the first time he’s considered Democratic gestures confusing.

In previous circumstances, Biden caused a stir and called his vice-president Kamala Harris the “first lady”. He also changed the names of Syria and Libya, confusing Ukrainians with Iranians and stumbling at least twice while boarding a flight to the state of Pennsylvania.

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