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Bidding: Vasco attached a letter of intent to five matches at the Maracanã  Vasco

Bidding: Vasco attached a letter of intent to five matches at the Maracanã Vasco

Vasco and Prosci face off in Sao Januario in the 2022 Series B – Image: Daniel Ramalho/CRVG

The open envelope – seen by initialed competitors – showed a signed agreement with Santos, a former Maracanã player from King Pele's title days, but what stole the show was the name of Broschi, from Santa Catarina, in Vasco's presentation. With partner WTorre.

Vasco approached the Prosky board at the beginning of December, at the last minute of drafting the proposal for the Maracanã tender. With the renovation of the Brusque Stadium, Santa Catarina FC signed a letter of intent to hold five “official or ceremonial” matches in the world's largest former stadium.

According to the notice, the more games a competitor provides supporting documentation, the better the final result – See summary below. The task of Vasco and Toure was at a disadvantage against two teams (Fla and Flunz). Look for ways to get closer to the 70 games equivalent to the maximum points at this stage of the overall competition.

Competing federations must submit documents proving this “Alone or in a consortium with at least 25 official football dates at the Maracanã”including in At least 75% of them must be from the Brazilian League A and B and the Brazilian Cup – Always masculine – plus Matches are valid for Libertadores and Sol Americana matchesAlso mentioned.

With the arrival from Series C to B at the end of last year, Bruski matches, to name a few, the club chosen in the Vasco Agreement, It can be included in 75% of the matches organized by the Brazilian Confederation on a mandatory basis.

  • Bidder who offers an equal or greater number of 25 dates (match) – 5 points
  • Bidder who offers an equal or greater number of 40 dates (match) – 15 points
  • Bidder who offers an equal or greater number of 55 dates (match) – 25 points
  • Bidder who offers an equal or greater number of 70 dates (match) – 35 points

The technical proposal still includes a series of other factors for the final score, which the bidding committee will work on calculating in the coming days. It also takes into account similar criteria in matches in Maracanánzinho – Whoever has six equal dates or more gets seven points; With 12 or more dates, it takes 14 points. Plus more details about the business plan, which even includes talking about events on the field.

Flamengo, through its Attorney General and Legal Officer, Rodrigo Donche, announced that it would seek an objection if the government did not reject this point of Vasco's technical proposal.

On Tuesday morning, the three rival federations in the Maracanã dispute delivered the envelopes containing the technical proposals to the Casa Civil hall, in the seat of the state government, in Palacio Guanabara.

There are three groups in the general competition:

  • Fla-Flu Federation, in partnership with Flamengo and Fluminense;
  • Maracanã Para Todos Federation, from a partnership between Vasco and Wutori;
  • RNGD Federation, from Arena 360, is the manager of Mané Garrincha, from Brasilia.

The Brasilia group is betting on opening the Maracana Stadium to all clubs. Company director Richard Dubois indicated that if they win, Flamengo and Fluminense will have to join their group to play on the field. He considers that the process was not ideal – mainly due to the competition model that places more weight (60%) on technical presentation, with a higher score for those who secure a greater number of matches – but he is confident of winning the award. tender.

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The envelopes were opened and inspected by each group, in a protocol ceremony, before the process was suspended. The Special Tender Committee will analyze the technical documents and each of the participants will also examine them and set new deadlines for objections. This is the second of three planned stages of the bidding process.

Bidding process timeline:

  • December 7, 2023: Proposals submitted by the duo Flamengo, Fluminense, Vasco and Arena 360.
  • December 19, 2023: The Bid Committee qualifies the three competitors and opens the deadline for objections
  • First week of February 2024: The government plans to publish the results of the analysis of objections and defenses in a total of six challenger appeals.
  • Current phase – March 5: Opening of envelopes for technical proposals from those classified and opening new deadlines for obtaining resources and analysis by the government on these resources
  • Phase 3 – No specific date: Opening of envelopes for financial proposals from those classified, opening of new deadlines for appeals and the government’s analysis of these appeals
  • Announcement of the result – without a specific date.