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Belo Horizonte enters a dengue epidemic

Belo Horizonte enters a dengue epidemic

The strategy is to accelerate results. According to the municipal administration, the capacity is 200 tests per day. The City Council ensures that this amount is gradually increased.

The municipal health secretary, Danilo Borges Matías, says the city is providing assistance to people. But he says that residents' cooperation in measures to prevent Aedes aegypti is essential. “We are monitoring the situation in the capital daily, the number of confirmed cases and the pressure on care in the health units of the SUS-BH network serving infected people.” Symptoms of dengue fever. But I stress again that everyone's help is needed to remove any potential containers from inside homes that may accumulate water and could encourage mosquito breeding.”

cases Dengue fever It rose in the country at the beginning of the year. According to Health Ministry data, there are 364,855 probable cases and 40 deaths in 2024. Another 265 deaths are under investigation.

Service in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Six units dedicated to exclusively serving people with symptoms of dengue, chikungunya and Zika have been opened. There are three CAAS (Arbovirus) service centres, open from 7am to 10pm, in the regions of Barreiro, South Central and Venda Nova. People with symptoms such as fever and pain in the body or behind the eyes Red spots on the skin You can look for equipment.

Volumetric replacement units operate daily, 24 hours a day, in the Central, South and Venda Nova regions. The sites exclusively receive users referred from health centers and CAAs who require hydration and ongoing assistance. In other words, it is not an open door service. There is also another URV at Júlia Kubitschek Hospital, in Barreiro, which was opened in partnership with Fhemig and serves users from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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