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Belhado complains about Jovem Pan after uncovering a scam against Globo

Belhado complains about Jovem Pan after uncovering a scam against Globo

Thiago Asmar, known as Belhado, threw a tantrum in the corridors of Jovem Pan after employees of the news channel discovered the journalist’s involvement in a scheme to increase the number of views of his channel on YouTube, the platform on which he films daily videos against Globo, which he fired six years ago. Without permission from station management, collaborators were asked to leave computers in the switchboard, editing areas, and newsroom with several tabs open on their videos, even without anyone present in these areas.

This move, made with the aim of artificially increasing the number of live broadcasts made by a caller on his page, was caught by an employee who was on duty on Sunday afternoon (29). The collaborator, who was scheduled to turn off the equipment after the program ended, came across all the devices on one of the Jovem Pan switches used to show a live broadcast in which Asmar talked about a supposed bad phase that Fatima Bernardes went through at Globo – in only one place, the video opened On five computers.

Unable to turn off the devices, which were being used to inflate views of Belhado’s YouTube channel, the employee decided to produce a film to denounce the journalist’s beneficial scheme. The video was obtained exclusively from Pop TV, clearly displays the technical structure of the conglomerate controlled by Tutinha, which is used to display content against Globo. The photos, sent to top management of Jovem Pan, leave no doubt about the plot of a ghost show on the Pilhado channel. paying off:

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The report found that the news channel’s managers only learned about the issue on Monday (30), and on the same day, they asked the IT department to take necessary measures to resolve the issue. With the assistance of the operational sector Jovem Pan decided to change the configuration of all its computersespecially those in the switchboard, which is one of the most sensitive areas of the network, as a simple malfunction in the equipment installed there can cause the news channel to stop broadcasting immediately.

Late Monday night, the head of the radio’s operational department alerted staff in a WhatsApp group about the new security regulations, which were put in place with the clear intention of stopping the scheme that took advantage of the videos filmed by Belhado. “Internet access will be blocked on the operating devices of all transformers. There will be access only to the product device, and access will be monitored,” said the sector director, in a group that includes the main names of Jovem Bahn, but without the presence of the news channel’s presenters.

Even without being present in the group where the decision was made, Thiago Asmar became aware of the news channel’s move to stop using its structure in the scheme. Being dissatisfied with what was reported by a co-worker, the broadcaster opened the Tuesday (31) edition of Bate Pronto by sending a message to “Carlos do TI”, asking him not to reveal this type of topic in the broadcasters’ groups, but to speak to him directly. Watch the moment:

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The scheme involving Pilhado’s channel is a violation of YouTube’s terms of use. According to the rules set by the video service, “access to the Service using any automated means is not permitted” nor “causing or encouraging inaccurate assessments of users’ actual interaction with the Service, including paying or offering incentives for people to watch content, or like or dislike a video.” , subscribe to a channel, or manipulate metrics in any other way,” under penalty of withdrawal or ban.