IEP – The Institute of Engineering of Paraná promotes the symposium “Beer Chemistry: Knowledge and Flavor”, with speakers Prof. Dr. Dr. Alfredo Muxil, Alessandro Oliveira, Lorna H. Niem, and Etty Mira, on May 15, at 9:00 a.m., at the Event Center. The event is promoted by the Technical Chamber of Chemical Processes and Technology and the Directorate of Social and Cultural Support.
Professor Dr. Alfredo Alberto Muxil holds a PhD in Inorganic-Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (2014) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), a Master's degree in Natural Resource Chemistry (2007) and a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry (2004) from the State University of Londrina ( UEL). Professor at the Department of Exact Sciences and Education at UFSC – Campus Blumenau since 2014 where he also works as coordinator of the undergraduate course in Chemistry (Management 2020-2024). The research focuses on the synthesis of model complexes of metalloenzymes with potential biological activity. As an undergraduate, he teaches theoretical and experimental subjects in general chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
In the field of beer, he is the author of the book Química da Cerveja, teaches the subject Fundamentals of Beer Production at undergraduate level and coordinates the extension project “Cervejaria Escola” which aims to produce and disseminate knowledge about craft beer production, through the development of materials and technical courses related to the subject, such as “Production Craft Beer” and “Beer Sensory Analysis and Evaluation”, promoting knowledge transfer, training and professional qualification. Orchid: 0000-0001-6982-2844. Access the Lattes curriculum.
Alessandro Oliveira: 2009 – Sensory analysis course taught by Celine Sorin of FlavorActiV. 2009 – Acerva-PR founded 2009. 2009 – Judged the Master Brewer competition at the Eisenbahn brewery. 2010 – Sensory Analysis Course at Siebel – Chicago. 2010 – Founding of Way Beer Indústria e Comércio de Bebidas Ltda.
2011 – Speaker at the National Groups Meeting in Florianópolis SC. 2012 – Procerva – Association of Craft Breweries in the State of Paraná, founded. 2013 – Invited to exhibit at the Copenhagen Beer Festival – Copenhagen – Denmark. 2014 – A collaborative beer was developed and produced at Brew Dog Brewery in Aberdeen – Scotland.
2014 – Invited to exhibit at the Copenhagen Beer Festival – Copenhagen – Denmark. 2014 – A collaborative beer developed and produced at Brodie's Brewery, London – UK. 2015 – Developed and produced a range of beers made with Brazilian fruits and matured in Brazilian wood, starting the export of the Way Beer brand to the USA. 2015 – Invited to exhibit at the Copenhagen Beer Festival – Copenhagen – Denmark.
2015 – Several collaborative beers were developed and produced in the USA with breweries such as Stillwater Artisanal, 18th Street Brewery, Arizona Widerness Brewing Co., and Agent the Grain Brewery. 2015 – Invited to perform at the Shelton Brothers Festival in St. Petersburg, Florida.
2016 – Invited to perform at the Shelton Brothers Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. 2016 – A collaborative beer was developed and produced at the Lervig brewery in Stavanger, Norway. 2016 and 2017 – They were invited to exhibit at the Copenhagen Beer Festival – Copenhagen – Denmark for the fifth time in a row, the only brewery in the southern hemisphere to be invited.
2017 – A collaborative beer developed and produced at Buxton Brewery in Buxton – UK. 2017 – He gave a lecture “Wooden barrels in beer production.”
Brasil Brau, the largest beer fair in Latin America.
2018 – Participated in the program Mestre Cervejeiro broadcast by Multishow. 2019 – Invited to visit the Lallemand yeast factory in Vienna, Austria. 2019 – Invited to participate in Brau Beviale in Nuremberg, Germany. 2019 – Hops Sensory Analysis Course at HVG in Hallertau, Germany.
Lorna H. Nim holds a degree in Chemistry from UEPG/PR, a postgraduate degree in Quality Management in Pharmaceuticals and Food – PUC/PR, a Master's degree in Natural Products Chemistry UEPG/PR, and a Master's degree in Malta – Escola Superior de Cerveja e. beer.
Etty Mira earned a degree in history from UFPR, with a concentration in food history (2009). Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society – UNIVILLE, with a focus on Food History and Culture (2012). Bartending Course – SENAC PR (2007). Cachaça Sommelier – Paladar Estadão SP – 2012. Beer Sommelier – Universidade Positivo PR – 2016. Founder and owner of Taste Beers – Distribuidora de Cervejas Especiais (Curitiba – PR, 2015 – 2022).
Commercial collaborator at Cervejaria Sant Pauli (Pinhais -PR, since 2022). Co-founder and owner of Chill Espaços e Soluções (Curitiba -PR, since 2023). International Judge BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) – Cider, Meads and Beer – Certified Level. ABS – Sao Paulo – Brazilian Sommeliers Association.
Beer has tremendous fascination for humanity. Real beer is full of vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants. It is important in the human diet, as it is beneficial for health and spirit, a fact known for thousands of years.
This seminar will provide knowledge about beer production, revealing the manufacturing processes, its important inputs, and especially the chemistry involved. The audience will be led to uncover the secrets and magic of turning to an important and healthy beverage. Participate in person or online.
09:00: Opening
09:30 AM: Lecture on “Beer Chemistry” with Prof. Dr. Dr. Alfredo Muxil (UFSC);
10:15 a.m.: Break for tasting and interaction with key Brewers exhibitors;
10:45 AM: Lecture “Fundamentals and Practices of Making Good Beer” with Alessandro Oliveira (WayBeer).
2:30 pm: Lecture entitled “Barley – Characteristics, Flavors and Processes in Beer Making”, with Malteira Química teacher Lorna H. Name (Maltaria Gourmet Malz);
3:15pm: Break for tasting and interaction with key Brewers exhibitors;
3:45 PM: “Pairing Beer with Food” lecture, with Eti Mira (beer sommelier);
4:30pm: Tasting and interacting with the brewery's key exhibitors.
Date: 05/15/2024 (Wednesday)
Working hours: 09:00 to 17:00
Website: Event Center / YouTube
Come and participate in this amazing experience in the world of beer.
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“Hardcore beer fanatic. Falls down a lot. Professional coffee fan. Music ninja.”
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