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BC says Brazilians can recover R.5 billion

BC says Brazilians can recover R$7.5 billion

According to information issued by the Central Bank (B.C.E.) On Thursday (7/12), there are still about R$7.5 billion available for redemption through Value Receivable System (SVR). Data refer to October of this year.

Through this service, it is possible to check whether individuals or companies have any funds “forgotten” in banks, unions or other financial institutions.

According to BC, R$6 billion is available to 40.6 million people, while R$1.5 billion can be redeemed by 3 million companies.

According to the monetary authority, about 63% of redemptions must be a maximum of R$10, and only 1.68% of beneficiaries are entitled to recover more than R$1,000.

By October, about R$5.3 billion had been saved, between individuals and legal entities.

How to order

  • arrive to Receivable Value (SRV) System Website During the withdrawal period inform at the first consultation. If you forget dates, you can return to the system in the summary.
  • Log in to the account Gov.br (Silver or gold level). If you do not have an account in one of the two levels, proceed with registration or increase the security level (in the case of Bronze accounts) on the website or in the Gov.br app.
  • Read and accept the disclaimer.
  • Verify the amount to be received, the institution that must return the amount, and the origin (type) of the amount to be received.
  • Choose the option from the options indicated by the system: “Order here”, to return the amount via BEX, within 12 working days; Or “Organization Ordering,” which targets users who don’t have PIX.
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Money to be received

BC explains that forgotten values ​​indicate:

  • A closed checking or savings account with an available balance;
  • Capital shares and division of net surpluses of former credit union participants;
  • Unrequired resources from terminated consortium groups;
  • fees that were incorrectly charged;
  • Premiums or charges for charged credit operations;
  • Prepaid or postpaid accounts are closed and have an available balance;

  • Registration accounts held by brokers and distributors are closed with available balance;

  • Other resources available at institutions for refunds.