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BC confirms thousands of PIX keys and other data leaked

BC confirms thousands of PIX keys and other data leaked

Central Bank Confirmed (BC) data leak Customer records are under the custody of Abastece Aí Clube Automobilista Payment LTDA (Abastece Aí). More than 137 thousand keys pix was exposed. BC ensures that your password and balance information is not leaked.

Read more: Aneel wants to make PIX a mandatory payment option for electricity bills

The reason, according to BC, is the occurrence of accidental failures in the systems of the payment organization. It is the fourth data leak related to PIX keys since the inception of Pay As You Go.

data leak

BC confirmation ensures that sensitive customer data is not exposed. This includes, for example, passwords, transactions, financial balances or any other information under bank secrecy. In other words, the data leak exposed registry information that does not allow the movement of resources or facilitate access to accounts.

Customers of the company whose data has been disclosed will be contacted through the application or online banking services of the relationship institution.

It is good to be alert, because neither the company nor central bank via other channels. So anything other than that could be a coup attempt.

BC also said it has taken the necessary measures to address the leak and to investigate in detail. After that, the procedures stipulated in the regulation will be applied. Abastece Aí said it had suspended the suspicious activities after the security incident in which it was a victim, and investigation measures are being taken.

See other logged data leaks:

  • September 2021: data leakage under the custody and responsibility of the State Bank of Sergipe (Panes);
  • January 2022: BC announces the leak of PIX keys from clients of financial institution Acesso Soluções de Pagamento;
  • February 2022: Leak of 2112 PIX keys from the financial institution Logbank Soluções em Pagamentos S/A.
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