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BBB24: Will that happen?  Isabelle answers if she will stay with Mateus and asks for confidentiality about the conversation;  He watches

BBB24: Will that happen? Isabelle answers if she will stay with Mateus and asks for confidentiality about the conversation; He watches

Will we have another couple by the end of BBB 24? During the party of leader Giovanna Lima, in the early hours of Thursday (28), Isabel revealed to Alan and Beatriz whether she intends to deal with Mateus. The sisters highlighted the chemistry between them, in addition to exchanging glances, and how Amazonian women change their behavior when talking about the gaucho. However, Cunha stated that everything was nothing more than friendship.

Isabel and Mateus have become very close in the last weeks of the reality show, making the girls of Cuarto Fada believe that there is a greater feeling than just that of friends. In one corner of the party, the trio discussed the topic. “Mattheus is a prince. It's every mother-in-law's dream. Then I said: 'Isabelle, is there any ritual?'Pia said.

“No, I already figured it out,” she said. But who noticed? Him too? I didn't understand”Cunha replied. “Because sometimes things don't need to be said to be understood.”“Alan said. “A look speaks. I don't know how to explain it either. It's an atmosphere, a job. Your appearance speaks.”Beatrice added. “I'm trying to understand”Amazon admitted.

Next, the saleswoman at Brass wanted to know how attracted Isabelle was to Matthews. “We will understand you. Does it shake you? Does your heart stop? Work?”, Asked. Cunha laughed at Pia's speech, but was not shy about answering after Alan asked the question again.

“It's chemistry. The question makes sense. I imagine it might be hard for you to answer. But is he messing with you? Will you stay with him?”Dancer strengthened. “I don't know, guys. After everything you say, my head is gone… I love him. I love dancing with him and playing with him and I respect him a lot.”Cunha explained.

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Isabelle reveals to her sisters that she sees Matthews as a friend (Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay)

Alan then explained that her sister changed her behavior when she talked about Matthews. “It's nothing you or him do, it's just chemistry in the air between you.”And highlighted. “You smile when you talk about him”She declared. “Because I love him. I enjoyed meeting him, as a person, he's great“, Isabel justified.

The woman from Pará also mentioned that the gaucho might be afraid to invest in something else due to the affair he had with Denizian at the beginning of the program. “Whatever happens here, whether I stay with him or something, either way (Matthew and Annie) “They'll have a conversation outside.”Alan highlighted. He watches:

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Isabelle, in turn, expressed concern if the conversation reached Matthews' ears. “Very sensitive, guys, this conversation. And if he hears this, Matthews, he might think I'm the one… Have you thought about it?”I thought. But Alan warned that she would not say anything. “We are very good friends with him, but he knows how to differentiate things.”He mentioned.

Finally, Bea advised her sister of the situation. “Don't let your heart be stifled, let your heart come out. Pray to God, let the heart speak.”, He said. Isabel noted that the program had already reached its final stage, but Alan remained optimistic: “A lot happens in one day on this show.”. After a few moments of silence, Isabelle said: “Why are you guys in this fantasy? You're needy.”. Just take a look:

As usual, Isabel and Mateus danced together at the party (Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay)
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Earlier at the party, Alan admitted to Pia that she misses being hugged. “Dude, I'm really needy, I'm leaving. I need to be kissed on the mouth. I need to be kissed on the mouth, someone bring a new participant, I need to be kissed on the mouth.”– announced the dancer. Davey, who was next to them, laughed at the situation and suggested that his sister go drink some water.

At another point, the dancer harassed Isabel, while they were dancing to the tune of the song “Bixinyo” by singer Doda Beat. Allan sang a snippet of the song to send a message to her friend. “Since we're here, let's make the most of the time we have left. To hold on.”seem. “I'll kiss you on the mouth”Cunha added. The two laughed and continued dancing on the dance floor. paying off:

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