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BBB24: Lucas reveals Nizam's words, and Yasmin is angry: “I'm dying to see that handsome man over there”;  He watches

BBB24: Lucas reveals Nizam's words, and Yasmin is angry: “I'm dying to see that handsome man over there”; He watches

BBB24: Lucas Henrique delivers regime's lines about women's bodies to Jasmine, who attacks her ex-brother; Watch (Reproduction/Globoplay)

Open the game! In the early hours of Monday (19), Lucas Henrique delivered discourses of order about women's bodies in conversation with Yasmin Brunet, Wanessa Camargo and Lady Ellen. The model, in turn, felt angry when she discovered what had happened and attacked her former brother. The problematic comments were made in the first match week, in the captain's room, during Rodriginho's reign.

“That's all he said? Or did he speak more deeply? That's all, no, it's really strange.”Jasmine wanted to know. “I find it heavy”Lucas said. “But did he say more or not?”The blonde insisted. “Then I don’t know, I wasn’t there. I think people didn’t want to talk to me. I think they told me that to tone down what they said there.”The brother answered. Lady said, surprised by the incident: “Guys, what a scoundrel.”.

Wanessa appeared in the outside area shortly after, and Jasmine tried to tell her what she had just learned. “The regime said it thought women's bodies here at home would be more beautiful, because they're more beautiful online. That handsome man, with Aladdin's genie face, with that weird beard, it's all weird. I'm dying to see him there.”Model warned.

“But I think he must have said something else that we didn't see.”“, Liddy suggested. “common sense!”” said Brunet. Then Lucas pointed out what might happen. “I really think, Lady, he made the comment. Maybe he should have talked about Jasmine, but people didn't want to talk to me. I don't know if Alegrete was in the conversation. It was in the commander's room, up front with Rodriginho.”The brother explained.

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Like her partners in confinement, Wanessa was also shocked by the situation. “How unnecessary. I have no body image [na internet]“, said the singer. “What a disgusting, scoundrel, asshole! Stupid man!”Louisa's daughter criticized Brunet. “Wow, I'm glad this shit came out, seriously. If it hadn't, it would be my vote forever.”he declared. aHe watches:

Yasmin continued to attack Nizam, highlighting how Wanisa tried to see the good in people. “You always want to see the best. I took his lines and turned them around. Stupid man, ready! Male fool! He doesn't have to find anything, he has to stick his opinion up his ass.”Visit. Zizi de Camargo's daughter, in turn, spoke about the time he described the system's stereotype of women that attracted him.

“What he said to me that I thought was stupid was, 'Oh, women who wear too many eyelashes become…'. He was commenting that he didn't like women on horses, and that he liked natural women more. So I think this comment is kind of like that.” “It's his taste. Everything has a way of saying that, but I think it's unnecessary. But it's not as serious as saying something like that about your body.”He analyzed the artist.

Nizam, Vinicius and Rodriguinho talked about the sisters' bodies in the commander's room (Photo: Reproduction // Globoplay)

The quartet continued to speculate about what Nizam had actually said in the room with the other participants, to the point that Lucas Pizan was eliminated. “That's obviously not what he said. For Bizan to be 'intended'. Is he leaving because he was on the side listening? It was definitely strange. I'm dying to see this handsome man over there, this golden man.”Brunet reinforced.

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She then wondered if Lucas would have continued to reveal the secret if the BBB 24 CEO had not left. “Of course. That's what I'm telling you, I didn't find out about it until he left. Rodriginho told me that he was making comments about women's bodies.Repeat the carioca. Although Lady thought it was a speech to all women, Jasmine insisted on the idea that the focus of the conversation was on her. paying off:

Later, Lucas Henrique explains what happened to Matthews and Alan in Vada's room. “One guy said to me, ‘Wow, ho (System) It also became soft. He kept commenting on the girls’ bodies.”He said. “Who spoke?”– asked Alegrete. “It was Rodriginho who spoke to me. Then I asked him what kind of comment it was, and he said: 'Oh, he thought girls' bodies were different'. Which got here and he was kind of disappointed.”Narrated by Lucas. Just take a look: