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BBB24: Louisa Brunet comes out to defend Yasmine and attacks the brothers behind the wall

BBB24: Louisa Brunet comes out to defend Yasmine and attacks the brothers behind the wall

Luisa Brunet is taking care of “Big Brother Brasil 24”, and it didn't take long for her to defend her daughter Yasmin Brunet after the first wall of the season. This Tuesday (9), the model directed sharp criticism at some of the house’s brothers, indicating envy on their part, in a series of stories on Instagram. She also expressed her opinion on the situations she witnessed inside the house.

In the vote that took place on Tuesday evening (9), Yasmine was nominated by Maicon Cosmer, Lucas Luigi, Juninho, Lucas Henrique Ferreira, and Nizan. She even vented after what happened and said she believes the mix of votes is in her favor. “I found it funny that only men voted for me, you guys. That's all I found weird.”it's Don.

Here, responding to some posts, Luisa pointed out what could have encouraged the five voices. “Beauty and intelligence are very uncomfortable.”, the model wrote in one of them. In another clip, one of the viewers considered the argument used by the children, which is that Yasmine does not interact at home. “But you know, my friend. Envy is damned.”Brunet answered. look:

Yasmine Brunet's mother pins the brothers (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Luisa Brunet also posted a video of a conversation between Fernanda, Maicon, Giovanna Bettel and Lucas Pizan about the moment of voting, and quipped: “the group”. Next, it analyzed the behavior of the detainees. “Fernanda is very fake. In addition to stating that he is not involved in the group“, opinion.

Brunet also mocked a video of Luigi with other brothers talking about the wall. At the time, they discussed the power Jasmine had here, and even mentioned the blonde's mother.

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“If you knew who Louisa Brunet was outside here, you wouldn't worry. Do you think people who love their mother automatically love their daughter? They are 100% different people.”Nizan highlights. “Relax kids, it's just a game.”“Louisa said, after seeing the comment. Check it all out:

Louisa Brunet defends her daughter Yasmine on social media (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)


After voting, Yasmine Brunet revealed her fear of being excluded from the “BBB 24” program and realized the importance of having allies within the reality show. She also promised revenge on some of the participants. In an interview with Giovanna, Jasmine commented on the fact that Maicon – nominated by Leader Denizian – claims that she does not speak her mind very often.

What if I don't love you? Now should I talk? no! Because now I'm going to start doing it. When someone comes to me, I will say: “I don't love you.” Don't talk to me, you're making me angry. Your face is scrotum*. Damn, man, seriously, what a joke! Wow, I got mad at these guys“, vent.”If we return from Baridao, we will go after them one by oneThe blonde said to Giovanna. He watches:

To choose who will stay in the game, viewers can register on the Globo website and vote as many times as they want. In individual voting, a user can vote only once for each Paredão, providing their CPF number. The weight of each voting form will be 50% and the final result will be the average of the two forms. It is worth noting that the vote this time is to remain!

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