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BBB 24 poll shows percentage of those who left the 19th wall;  Vote · TV News

BBB 24 poll shows percentage of those who left the 19th wall; Vote · TV News

Another lightning wall was formed in BP24 This Sunday (7). After the elimination of Giovanna Lima, Davi Brito managed to win the leader's test and nominated Lucas Henrique Buda to the danger zone. Alan Dias and Isabel Nogueira are also in the spotlight. Who is leaving the reality show on Tuesday (9)? Vote in the poll the news In this text.

The driving dispute, which involved a game of golf, went through three different stages and had consequences. The participant with the worst performance in the activity fell straight into the spotlight: “The Punisher” was Alan.

The winner, Daffy, in addition to the benefits of being the best dog in the game, received expert advice from the sponsor and a prize of R$100,000. Bahian invited Isabel Nogueira to the VIP.

After that, the formation of the nineteenth wall for this season was completed. David nominated Buddha, the only remaining member of the house's group of dwarves.

The vote took place in the House of Representatives in the confessional. Isabelle was the most memorable, as she and her new lover, Matthews, exchanged wedding vows. See below who voted for whom:

  • Lucas Henrique, Buddha -> Matthews
  • Isabel Nogueira -> Mateus
  • Alan Dias -> Isabelle
  • Beatriz Nogueira -> Isabel
  • Mateus Amaral -> Isabel

BBB 24 Vote now

Take the BBB 24 poll below and see partial details on the winner, with updated percentages:

Click here to open the survey

The current season of Big Brother Brasil offers two voting options on the official website: Único, one for each CPF, and Torcida, which allows the audience to participate as many times as they want. The final result, which Tadeu Schmidt will announce on Tuesday (9), depends on the average of the two methods.

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a vote the news It is not scientific in nature It has no impact on Gshow's official score, but it does depict a trend on the part of Big Brother Brasil viewers.

When is the final?

BBB 24 is in turbo mode, and in addition to the elimination next Tuesday (9), it will have two more walls before the final scheduled for April 16. See table below:

  • Tuesday (9): Removal, wall formation, and leader testing
  • Thursday (11): Elimination and test of the leader
  • Friday (12): Formation of the last wall
  • Sunday (14): The final elimination of the season
  • Tuesday (16): BBB 24 final with three participants