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BBB 24: Daffy answers the Big Fone, splits the house into two groups and celebrates immunity

BBB 24: Daffy answers the Big Fone, splits the house into two groups and celebrates immunity

BBB 24: Daffy answers the Big Fone, is invulnerable and divides the house into two groups

Daffy responded and fortified from the wall (BBB 24, Reproduction)

Big Fone played on Big Brother Brasil (BBB) ​​24 on Sunday (4) and it was Davi who answered. Upon hearing the message, the brother gained immunity and divided the house into two groups. The information is from com.gshow.

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– Pay attention, pay attention! You are immune. Now choose nine people to wear a red bracelet. You can't choose the leader — says the message from Big Fone.

After the app driver learned of the message, he entered the house singing “Voando para o Pará” and went to the pantry to get red bracelets. He distributed it to MC Bin Laden, Lucas Henrique, Juninho, Pitel, Rodriguinho, Marcus Vinicius, Giovanna, Leidy Elin and Jasmine respectively.

Therefore, the BBB house was divided as follows:

Group 1: MC Bin Laden, Lucas Henrique, Juninho, Betel, Rodriginho, Marcos Vinicius, Giovanna, Lady Elaine and Yasmine.

Group 2: Davi, Alan, Beatrice, Denizian, Isabelle, Matthews, Michel, Rakolo and Wanessa.

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