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BBB 22: Douglas Silva blasts Slovenia: ‘So cunning, so naughty’

BBB 22: Douglas Silva blasts Slovenia: ‘So cunning, so naughty’

Speaking alone with Gustavo in the chief’s room, Douglas Silva criticized Slovenia for its stances on “BBB 22″ (TV Globo). The actor noted that Slovenia was ‘forced’ and ‘malandra’.

Like: “Why are you voting for me? ‘ ‘Oh, I think you’re hiding the game and stuff. “On it four times.” I’m not saying you can’t go for that, but it doesn’t get into my head. I want to understand where this interferes with [jogo] And where does this hurt you in anything to vote for me.”

Out of nowhere, it turned into a small key. And that same week, she’d say I was her dad, in the middle of a party, crazy. “Oh, my friend, I don’t know what, you’re great.” He’s a friend there, a kiss here, and then he votes. Who understands this relationship has? Or it is very malicious, very naughty. Douglas on Eslo

“Sonsa, she is not,” said Gustavo.

The actor said: “It’s all right, brother, it’s not possible. So much so that I said:” No, call me dad, no ».

“You can’t get out of 10 walls for being a sauna,” said the Curitiba native, pointing to Eslô’s immunity on the walls so far.

“It’s something I was already thinking about, but it gave the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes you push a little, like guys… a barrier. Damn, Arthur and Scooby don’t vote for it,” he said.

There is already a barrier there. Arthur will understand. I call her in a game of discord, she said I don’t know what, I don’t know what there is, but she managed to persuade, to understand? Douglas in Slovenia

See also  "Get this plastic out of my body."

Watch now: “Realities – Brazil on TV”

We’ve already spoken to former BBBs who felt sorry, to those who caused controversy and now, in “Realities – O Brasil na TV,” a three-episode documentary produced by splash And the MOV.docwe say the beginnings and behind the scenes of reality programs in Brazil.

With Lucas gone, what are the top 10 favorites to win the ‘BBB’?


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