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Bat, hawk, snake, jaguar: impressive transformations at the Barentins Festival |  Parentins Festival

Bat, hawk, snake, jaguar: impressive transformations at the Barentins Festival | Parentins Festival

Bat, hawk, snake, jaguar: impressive transformations at the Barentines Festival.

Women transformed into eagles, snakes, bats and hawks with rich clothing and perfect sophistication. This is how the elements, the elements that make up the show of the Caprichoso and Garantido bulls, won the admiration of the audience at the Parintins bumbódromo during the 57th edition of the Folklore Festival.

The Parintins Folklore Festival is known as the largest outdoor show in the world. The Caprichoso (blue) and Garantido (red) bulls participate in three nights of fighting. To the sounds of frogs, a music typical of cow culture, each bomba has until 2:30 in the morning to present a set of 21 elements, in an arena shaped like a bull’s head. The festival brings together more than 100,000 people each year.

In this year’s edition, Eruption invested more in transforming items. Cunhäs-porangas Marciele Albuquerque, from Boi Caprichoso, and former BBB Isabelle Nogueira, from Garantido, went viral on social media this weekend with videos in which she appears transforming into different animals during questions (See video above).

These transformations help the elements explain the theme chosen by each bull, which evolves over the three nights of the show, as well as adding points to the score.

Marcela Albuquerque has become a big snake. – Photo: Disclosure/Boy Caprichoso

On the second night, Caprichoso’s sister-in-law turned into an eagle. The movements matching the movements of the bird and the perfection of the animal’s face caught the attention of the public and social media. The “crowd,” as each bull’s fans are called, went wild.

Marcelli turned into an eagle while performing caprichoso. — Photo: Reproduction/Ready Amazonica

Also for Caprichoso, the Queen of Folklore Cleese Simas appeared in the form of a bat on the second night of the festival. Coming down from the allegory, she removed the fantasy part to develop into the Bumbodromo. The arena lighting caused the costume to change color with each song she made.

Claes Simas appears as a striker during the development of Boi Caprichoso. – Photo: Disclosure/Government of Amazonas

But it is not only the female elements on the blue side that have committed themselves to the transformation, no. Shaman Eric Beltrão became a “crocodile” in the center of the pompodromo, during his evolution on Saturday night (29). He played the role of shaman during the mystical Marobo ritual.

Eric Beltrao became a crocodile on the second night of the Caprichoso Bull. — Photo: Pedro Coelho/Boy Caprichoso

Isabelle Nogueira transforms into a jaguar while evolving in Garantido. — Photo: Patrick Marquez/g1

Isabel Nogueira transforms into a falcon during a performance of the Garantido bull. – Photo: Disclosure/Amazonas Government

Shaman Adriano Paqueta transformed into a giant anaconda during a so-called indigenous ritual, ending the second night of the red and white bomba show.

Adriano Paqueta became Anaconda during the show. – Photo: Disclosure/Government of Amazonas

The spectacle of each bull at the Bumbódromo is complex and includes 21 questions called “elements”. The elements are divided into blocks, according to their characteristics. “Block A” includes general and musical questions; “Bloco B”, elements related to scenography and choreography; and “Bloco C” brings together the technical part of the event.

The counting always takes place on Monday, in the afternoon, after the last day of the festival. Of the three scores given to each item, the lowest scores are ignored. The bull that collects the most points in the sum of all blocks each night wins the festival. In total, the jury judges on the 21 items, both individually and collectively. paying off:

  • Presenter;
  • Rafie Toda;
  • Batukada or Marujada;
  • Aboriginal rituals.
  • standard holder;
  • I love Taurus.
  • Her little sister from the farm;
  • Queen of Folklore;
  • Cunha-buranga;
  • Boy Bomba (Evolution);
  • Toda (lyrics and music);
  • Baggy;
  • Indian tribes;
  • Toxoas;
  • A typical regional figure,
  • Symbols.
  • Amazon legend.
  • Cowgirl;
  • mobilize; mobilize;
  • Choreography; that it
  • Organizing a folklore group.