Registration is open for students of basic education, general and special education, to participate in the 13th Mato Grosso do Sul Technologies, Engineering and Sciences (Fetecms), held as part of the Integra UFMS 2023 program, the largest event in science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul sol.
Registration for the four modalities for this edition is open until August 7. The exhibition will take place between October 22 and 25, at Cidade Universitária and registration must be made by clicking here.
Students and teachers from the municipal, state, federal, and/or state public network, in particular; In addition, businesses from other interested Brazilian regions can be registered. The show also has other programs that run simultaneously such as WorkshopsLectures and guided tours of schools. All finalists receive certificates and winners are awarded medals, prizes, and credentials to national science events.
Each year, in addition to presenting their science projects, several finalists take advantage of the event’s opportunity to make friends and expand their knowledge to other areas. This exchange of experiences is encouraged and during the programming of the show, students visit and interact with their colleagues’ work. High school student Amanda Ojeda approves of the dynamic approach the show has taken and is interested in participating in this edition. “I hope that in addition to applying, I can learn from the projects of other participants.”
Runner-up in the Social and Applied Sciences category and honorable mention winner, Luiz Augusto Martins, is a 16-year-old high school student. Participated in the exhibition in 2022 and presented the project From school to home – growing an organic garden with extracurricular goals. “I recommend it, it’s an opportunity to be able to speak out, spark new ideas, make new friends and learn about cool projects. The feeling of being a part of it is really good,” he comments.
All information about the event can be checked here .
Text: Vanessa Amin, with information from the Fetec MS/Grupo Arandú press office
Photos: Archives of the Agency for Social and Scientific Communication
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