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Banco do Brasil issues a statement to everyone who has a current and savings account!

Banco do Brasil issues a statement to everyone who has a current and savings account!

Technology has changed our lives, bringing more practicality to everyday life. Remote access software is an example of this, allowing technical problems to be solved remotely. However, criminals use this same technology to commit fraud and steal personal information.

the Banco do Brasil, concerned about the safety of its customers, has provided a page with instructions on how these scams work and how to protect yourself. Awareness is essential to prevent more people from becoming victims.

What is the scammers method?

The scam usually begins with a phone call. The criminal introduces himself as an employee of a bank or financial institution and reports alleged suspicious activity on the victim’s account. In a convincing letter, he asks the victim to install remote access software, claiming it will help resolve the issue.

Once the software is installed, the scammer gains complete control over the victim’s computer. This allows them to access banking information, authentication codes, and perform financial transactions, often without the victim noticing.

Warning Signs to Avoid Scams: A Complete Analysis

There are several signs that you may be the target of a scam, so be aware of them. Below we detail each one and offer additional tips to protect yourself:

1. Unwanted calls:

  • Banks and financial institutions: Be wary of calls that ask for personal information, such as passwords, security codes, or credit card information.
  • Irresistible offers: If the offer seems too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.
  • Threats and intimidation: Scammers may use scare tactics to pressure victims to act quickly.

2. Software installation request:

  • Remote access: Never allow any stranger to remotely access your computer or cell phone.
  • Fake updates: Be wary of messages asking you to install software updates, especially if they are sent via email or SMS.
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3. Sense of urgency:

  • Short term: Scammers create a sense of urgency so that you don’t have time to think and act rationally.
  • Blocking threats: If you are threatened with blocking your accounts or services if you don’t act immediately, this is a strong warning sign.

4. Suspicious links:

  • Emails and messages: Avoid clicking on unknown links, even if they appear to come from a trusted sender.
  • Check URL: Before clicking, make sure the website address is correct and the protocol is “https://” (indicating a secure connection).

5. Requests for Personal Information:

  • Unsafe channels: Never provide personal information over the phone, email, or text message unless you have initiated the contact and are certain the company is legitimate.
  • Passwords and codes: Keep your passwords and security codes confidential and never share them with anyone.

Other important tips:

  • Beware of too-good-to-be-true offers: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Check the company’s reputation: Research the company before providing any information or executing any transaction.
  • Use strong, unique passwords: Create complex, unique passwords for each online account.
  • Enable two-factor authentication: This additional security measure helps protect your accounts.
  • Keep your software up to date: Install security updates regularly to protect your devices.
  • find out: Stay informed about the most common types of scams.

By following these tips, you will be better protected against online scams and fraud.

He remembers: If you suspect fraud, contact your financial institution or the appropriate authorities immediately.

How to protect yourself?

To protect yourself from these scams, follow these steps:

  • be suspicious: Be wary of unexpected contacts that ask to install software or request personal information.
  • Identity verification: Always verify the identity of the contact person by contacting the contact center of the institution concerned directly.
  • Update your devices: Keep your security systems and software up to date to protect against potential threats.
  • Browse carefully: Avoid clicking on suspicious links and only install apps from trusted sources.
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What to do if you are scammed?

If you suspect you’ve been the victim of a scam involving remote access software, follow these instructions immediately:

  • a report: Report the incident to the authorities and financial institution.
  • Check your device: Request an IT expert to check for and remove potential malware.
  • Account control: Closely monitor your bank accounts and credit cards to identify suspicious activity.

Sharing information about these scams with friends and family can help prevent further victims. Awareness and education are our best tools in the fight against cybercrime.