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Auxílio Brasil shipped R.5 billion during the second period

Auxílio Brasil shipped R$9.5 billion during the second period

shipment Brazil aid Granting R$9.5 billion in loans to 3.5 million Income Transfer Program beneficiaries in the final phase of the presidential race between Jair Bolsonaro (PL) f Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT). Four out of the five ris are provided by Caixa Federal Economic, a state-owned bank.

The credits made the total resource for Auxílio Brasil recipients nearly double between the first and second rounds. In benefits worth R$600, the federal government paid R$12.8 billion to R$21.1 million in October.

The data was reported by the Ministry of Nationality after a request from UOL through the Freedom of Information Act. This is the first time that the salary balance sheet has been published. The press offices of the Ministry of Citizenship and Caixa refused to provide information.

  • You are R$9.5 billion awarded in 22 days: From the 10th of October, the start date of the Auxílio Brasil shipment, until the 1st of November. The first round was held on October 2. and the second on October 30.
  • 1 in 6 beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil has received the loan;
  • R$7.64 billion was provided by Caixaa state bank controlled by the federal government;
  • A private initiative entered the payroll with much less appetite: About ten private financial institutions gave away R$1.8 billion🇧🇷

The data does not say whether all of that credit, in fact, went into the beneficiaries’ account. In the case of Caixa, consumer protection entities collected the complaints they estimated were approved days before the second round was canceled after Bolsonaro’s defeat.

a UOL Lu asked The Ministry of Citizenship and Caixa want pronunciation. If there is a response, the text will be updated.

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Why is it important?

Auxílio Brasil’s payroll was created under Bolsonaro’s temporary measure, which was approved by Congress in July. However, the credits did not begin to be released until after the first round, when Bolsonaro received 6 million fewer votes than Lula.🇧🇷

Also in October, the Public Prosecution Service together with the TCU (Tribunal de Contas da União) attempted to suspend the shipment, alleging possible electoral use in favor of Bolsonaro. However, TCU authorized the measure to continue.

After defeating Bolsonaro in the second round, Caixa changed the rules and lowered the assistance allowancedepending Unearthed a report by UOL🇧🇷

Credit restrictions were not publicly announced by Caixa, causing Auxílio Brasil recipients to continue to waste time in queues at branches and lottery shops, trying to obtain the resource.

Where did the transfers go?

The states of São Paulo and Bahia were the two states that received the largest number of payrolls from aid, each amounting to more than R$1 billion.

Then comes Rio de Janeiro (R$850m), Pernambuco (R$787m) and Ceará (R$695m).

what is happening now?

a report UOL that revealed Caixa’s payroll aid cut for Brazil after Bolsonaro’s defeat, and which was used to support a new representation of the Attorney General’s Office before the Canadian Trade Union Federation.

Deputy Attorney General Lucas Rocha Furtado asked for an investigation into electoral use and even an investigation into the responsibility of Caixa’s president, Daniela Marquez, and President Bolsonaro himself.

Why this sudden change after the defeat of candidate Jair Bolsonaro in the elections? What changed during the election period and the period in which you were defeated? The facts speak for themselves. Once again: if countless shipments are allowed at breakneck speed, why change after the election? “
MPTCU Deputy Attorney General Lucas Rocha Furtado

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How does the Auxílio Brasil shipment work?

Payroll is a type of loan that automatically deducts from Auxílio Brasil installments to pay banks. The maximum monthly deduction is R$160 – which brings the interest down from R$600 to R$440. The interest is 50% annually. Prior to the election, credits of up to R$2,500 could be contracted.