Shortly after the Chinese government began testing its virtual currency, known as the electronic yuan, Brazil's central bank announced progress...
Willa Ruiz
Despite the slight decrease in the number of hospitalizations, the state of hospitals in Santa Maria remains alarming. By early...
FGTS emergency withdrawal is one of the most anticipated actions by workers in 2021. This measure took place in 2020...
Studies show, for example, that people with blood type O will have a lower risk of contracting the Coronavirus; The...
© Reuters. Bitcoin drops 10% in value on sell-offs - Sunday trading at $ 56,009.1 at 00:31 (03:31 GMT)...
UNIMID Hospital - Credit: SCA File Unimed São Carlos released a statement to the public on Saturday afternoon (17) reporting...
A total of R $ 600 in emergency aid was paid last year in five installments. He missed it, mainly...
A fifth Federal Supreme Court Minister receives the ban, a 65-year-old jurist celebrated SUS and congratulated the work of the...
Sunday cut off emergency aid payments, right? No way. Caixa Econômica Federal confirmed the launch of a new batch of...
Unimed Teresina has opened a selection to hire professionals to work in the network's administrative area. Available positions are collection...