Since 1948, the Brazilian Association for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) It works to improve education, culture, science, technology and...
Willa Ruiz
No one is told that workers registered in the CLT (Standardization of Labor Laws) have several rights. One of them...
Unimed Araçatuba (SP) has opened a new service location on Avenida Joaquim Pompeu de Toledo, with the aim of strengthening...
People who can work on a formal contract have many labor rights. This formal form is very important so that...
the attention of the Brazilians. The government recently released a new payment method for certain groups, such as taxi drivers...
sHilli Armitage-Mattin can be a chef by profession and a finalist in MasterChef: The Professionals It's 2020, but she admits...
A star on WhatsApp means that your message is featured, or in favourites. This means that it will appear first...
Al-Amin puts the final touches on the details of the new site. Photo: Archive / OC The SUS pharmacy operating...
The republic's president, Jair Bolsonaro, has opposed the measure that allowed workers to withdraw the unused balance of meal vouchers...
The union entities in the municipality of Ponta Grossa and the Campos Gerais region, are preparing an action to repudiate...