07/12/2022 - 11:08 AM Edson Lopez Jr. / A2D / Government of Sao Paulo Resources can be used until the...
Willa Ruiz
Since its inception, pix It revolutionized the Brazilian banking system and the new rules could be a guarantee of further...
10 hours agoby Amazonas Agency Researchers supported by the Amazonas government are participating in the symposium Photo: Antonio Lima/SecomThe results...
The tax authority At the beginning of this month, the electronic service bill was issued (NFS-e) to service providers through...
Four proposals from the university receive a total of about R$470,000 (Photos: Bruno Barbosa, Joao Lobo, Petra Malfitano and Maria...
The Separation Compensation Fund (FGTS) acts as a type of savings for the worker employed under the Consolidation of Employment...
On Tuesday 6, the Ministry of Health opened a public consultation on vaccinating children between the ages of 6 months...
According to North America, “Crypto-asset prices have plummeted, while a growing number of crypto institutions have gone under.” Modify Support...
The Online Integrity Center will have tools to help publishers fight fake searches and image manipulation. Online tools will help...
The smiling Offer up to 270% on top of Transfer miles between accounts🇧🇷 The offer is valid until 21:00 next...