Man experiences the things around him in the world through the five basic senses: smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing....
Willa Ruiz
Currently, there are approximately 70 million Brazilians registered with credit protection agencies. As analyzed by Serasa🇧🇷 The ninth consecutive increase...
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Pernambuco has stopped donating land to branch out submarine...
Image: Disclosure About 23 million people who worked on an official contract in 2021 will be able to withdraw salary...
A survey showed that 88% of people usually give up the new habit as early as February of the following...
The Central Bank announced some of them Pix changes To improve user experience and ensure more secure transactions. The new...
Governor of Rio de Janeiro, Claudio Castro. Image: reproductionClaudio Castro has appointed a Covid-19 Vaccine Adviser to the Secretariat for...
It's retrograde time. On Friday (16th), iFood released the fourth edition of its "My Foods" feature. With them, consumers get...
Photo: Bruna Costa / Esp.DPIt was published in Thursday (15) edition of the Official Gazette of the State, by the...
Thousands of Brazilians must declare income tax for federal revenue each year. However, in order to be required to submit...