the singer Anita announced by Miley Cyrus As one of the attractions of "Miley's New Year's Eve Party," a New...
Beatrice Wright
Terry couldn't hold back the emotions when singing "Hackearam-me", a song she has partnered with Marília Mendonça, in "Altas Horas"....
Globo has scheduled the February 7 premiere of "Além da Illusion", the next six-series television series, starring Larissa Manuela. Created...
News It is a fact or event in the interest of the press. It can be new or recent information....
As the city continues to welcome the arts again, particularly during the holiday season, Philadelphia will offer two unique performances...
(Reuters) - Nearly 1.1 million people watched "Spider-Man: No Return Home" in theaters across the United States, AMC Entertainment Holdings...
every end of the year the back door It launches a game specific to religious history, and of course the...
Tom Cruise made Christmas start early for the franchise team Mission: Impossible. According to Page Six, the star had used...
Felipe Castanhari He was sentenced for the second time in court to pay compensation to Marcius Melhem Cursing the comedian...
Prince Harry surprised the British royal family after issuing a statement complaining about the press' approach to Meghan Markle. This...