Following the announcement of King Charles III of the United Kingdom's cancer diagnosis, world leaders showed solidarity and expressed hope...
Wilfrid Hunter
Flight on the Miami-Florianopolis route (Photo: Fernanda Muller) Cargo traffic at Santa Catarina airports will increase by 25.3% in 2023...
The British Home Office is threatening to deport a Portuguese man who has lived legally in the UK for more...
FUNATI students cheer the Freedom United Kingdom march A section made up of seniors of the Open University of the...
In the United Kingdom, Greta Thunberg and four co-defendants were found not guilty of disobeying police instructions during a climate...
02/03/2024 23:21, Updated 02/03/2024 23:21 This Saturday (3/2), United States President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in South Carolina....
AFPI am AFP 02/03/2024 - 14:22 In trucks, pickup trucks and trailers, hundreds...
Translated Helena Osorio Published in February 1 2024 Aurelius, the new owner of The Body Shop, will sell part of...
The attack was carried out in response to an attack in Jordan that killed three of the country's soldiers and...
However, David Cameron said there would be no recognition as long as Hamas remained in Gaza. David Cameron ✅ Receive...