Europe08:11 05.11.2021(Updated 05:11.2021 at 8:12 am) Short URL satellite glowing green light from a celestial body was seen in various...
Wilfrid Hunter
Ian Cameron Ian Cameron discovered only a small amount of ice in the entire mountain. The area known as the...
Apple will be removed from this Friday (5/11) Mandatory use of masks At its US stores for vaccinated and non-vaccinated...
In an unprecedented gesture, state governors are coming together and sending a strong political message to the world that they...
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution on Wednesday (July 3) condemning the Cuban government's "violent repression" and in...
The UK has led a series of financial announcements on deforestation and conversion on the Amazon and other Brazilian biomes....
The fourth day of COP 26 was marked by the United Nations Climate Change Conference, focusing on the financial markets...
Bill Burns, director of the CIA, the US intelligence agency, is taking a group of senior U.S. officials in Moscow...
The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, in his speech at the 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) this...
Glasgow (UK), November 1 (EFE) .- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the pledge at the 26th United Nations Climate...