While some rave about their fans' affection… Singer Lana Del Rey Went to meet His dream was to meet a...
Wilfrid Hunter
200 years of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States of America (USA) marked the beginning of the US...
Adriana and Rodrigo live in the US with their two children (Photo: Social Networks, Disclosure) Former BBB Rodrigão, 36, had...
Published on: August 24, 2024 The operation, which is still in the testing phase, began on Wednesday, August 14, and...
I come to listen, deconstruct clichés, try to understand the complexity of a society, again, in a real battle for...
Voters' biggest concern is the economy. 67% of respondents listed the state of the US economy. Next are immigration (57%),...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his candidacy for the presidency of the United States and declared his support for the...
"They have not already recognized the validity of the CNE report," the countries added. "After denying opposition representatives access to...
The joint report affirmed the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce global warming Published in Brazil...
A man has been arrested in Pakistan for spreading false information that incited riots after three girls were killed in...