The series "The good doctor" Help a New York boy save his classmate's life. David Diaz Jr., 7, received the...
Alf Covington
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its customs, border protection and immigration control agencies have implementedMassive purchases of...
It was a big weekend, really big waves in Hawaii. The massive influx from the south created rare conditions for...
Boeing 737 cockpit - illustrative image - Source: John Christian Felstad / CC BY 4.0via Wikimedia Commons Commercial flight pilots...
Temperatures in parts of Spain reached 45.7 degrees Celsius. Britain is also preparing for the hottest day on record EFE...
Penny Mordaunt, the British trade policy secretary and candidate for prime minister, wants to lead the Western powers against Russia...
The Canadian government awards R$200,000 annually to fellows who are selected by universities in the country. There are 166 scholarships...
+ The moment when Katie McDermott pushed another mom into a race test at her daughter's school (Image: Procreate)Katie McDermott,...
A strange phenomenon was recorded in Jagtial District (Telangana State, India) last week: "It rained a fish" during a monsoon...
The Institute for Fisheries Development (IFOP) collected samples to understand the causes of their appearance on the coast Modify Support...