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Attention! WhatsApp GB users can be banned forever

Messaging app success The WhatsApp It makes many people and companies make Unauthorized versions from the tool. a WhatsApp GB, one of the most famous parallel alternatives, has entered the company’s penchant, which is now looking for a way to punish users who use the “hacking” app.

The use of this version is popular because it provides features such as automatic replies, custom themes, message filters, and other functionality not available in the original application. One of the most requested things is to display read-only confirmation (blue ticks) after replying to the message.

But using the pirated app can be costly, as WhatsApp intends to ban those who use the GB version. The company said it uses artificial intelligence to find these users and identify automatic responses and those sent before the blue ticks.

WhatsApp uses machine learning technology and user reports to detect and block accounts that send spam. This includes systematically communicating with users in ways they may not want to. Also, do not create accounts or groups In unauthorized or automated ways, or using modified versions of WhatsApp,” the company warned.

The warning applies to anyone using any parallel app, not just GB users. In addition to the risk of being permanently banned, the chances of scams and invasion also increase. pirates When it comes to tools created by strangers.

Read more: WhatsApp: Why do “unknown” images appear and disappear from the gallery?

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