Codit, who only had nine players on the bench Saturday due to a lack of options, was asked what he sees from the next squad, as it faces an imminent loss of two players: Allan and Nathan Silva. The coach limited himself to saying: “It is a situation that only those responsible for the club should talk about.”
He returns to Coudet
– The player remains still, I do not wish this to anyone. I see fans online saying a player is slacking off in physical therapy, but no one likes to be left out. I hope Kardec and Igor will come back as soon as possible to help us. They have a lot of quality and they will add a lot,” said Guilherme Arana on his way off the field, also referring to Atlético’s short team.
The striking fact in Arana’s letter is that he does not mention the name of Alan, who is also in the DM and will be a key return for the team, meaning the player is already packed to leave the club.
%uD83D%uDDE3%uFE0F Guilherme Arana commented on the recovery from injuries and wished Alan Kardec and Igor Rabello back.
It’s weird not to mention Alan’s name which is in the DM. Another sign that the flywheel is going to snap?
%u2014 Alecsander Heinrick (@alecshms) June 11, 2023
Team Atlético-MG
With the departures of Alan and Nathan and the return of Kardec and Rabello, Atlético’s squad now has 24 players available to Eduardo Coudete, as well as three other young players:
Goalkeepers: Iverson, Matheus Mendes, and Gabriel Delphim
aspects: Guilherme Arana, Robbins, Dodd, Mariano and Saravia
Defenders: Jimerson, Mauricio Lemos, Bruno Fox, Igor Rabello, and Revere
driving wheels: Otvio and Battaglia
socks: Edinelson, Patrick, Heuran, Igor Gomez and Paulo Vitor *
Attackers: Hulk, Paulinho, Pavn, Vargas, Alan Kardec, Cadu* and Isaac*
* Base class
** With the expected return and departure of Alan, only Pedrino remained in Athletica DM
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