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Atlético-MG files lawsuit in Rio, Justice issues subpoena to Fred to pay Rm |  Athlete – mg

Atlético-MG files lawsuit in Rio, Justice issues subpoena to Fred to pay R$23m | Athlete – mg

Since the beginning of 2018, Atlético has charged Fred to pay a fine in the original amount of 10 million Brazilian riyals for the fact that the number 9 shirt was terminated in Gallo and then settled with rival Cruzeiro. In a decision by the Judge of Civil Court No. 43 in Rio de Janeiro, Fred was summoned to make the payment “within 15 days, with a 10% fine and setting equal attorneys’ fees.”

The judge also informs that the arbitration award (issued by the National Research and Equity Commission) produces the same effects as the final decision issued by the judicial branch. So the fine that Atlético wants to get from the player becomes an executive title for the club.

Today at Fluminense, Fred was sued by Alvinegro in the National Chamber for Dispute Resolution (CNRD). Case lost. It was appealed in the second case, at the Brazilian Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CBMA). Fred also filed a lawsuit against Atlético in the Labor Court, demanding that the decision of the National Council for Reconstruction and Development be rescinded, as well as a request to receive R$2 million (which needs to be updated) from the labor debt.

Atlético won the stages of the dispute, and now moved to a new realm of jurisdiction. Within the 23 million Brazilian reals that Gallo charges, in updated amounts, there is a percentage earmarked for the so-called “working fee loss”, which will be an amount within the debt transferred to the lawyers who defended Atletico in this long series. .

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About a week ago, the former Vice President of Atlético, Lásaro Cândido, who headed the legal department, spoke on Twitter about the “Fred case”, indicating that the amount of debt was about 23 million Brazilian reais.

– Farid’s case was left ready for implementation at the National Council for Democracy, Justice and Public Justice. Correcting the value of the debt by the indicators specified in the final decision of the CNRD Committee in favor of GALO, the present value of Fred’s debt is approximately 23 million. But I repeat: today I no longer act procedurally in the case! the end!