Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases that exists today and can affect different organs of the body. However, there is good news for those who suffer from the variety that affects the dermis, ie skin cancer. An Ethiopian teenager named Heman Bekele created a revolutionary product!
The boy currently lives in the USA with his family and reveals that science has changed his life. His invention earned him the nickname “Young World 2023”, awarded by the 3M Annual Prize, in partnership with Discovery Education.
“As long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about science. I was always doing little experiments or watching various videos on the subject.
How did it all actually start?
The young man sent a video clip explaining the proposal to formulate soap that treats multiple sclerosis skin cancerIn June, his project was approved. Thus, the selected student obtained a mentor to help him implement his initiative.
Deborah Isabelle, a product engineering specialist at 3M, was delegated to help Bekele develop his product. Moreover, according to him, the inspiration for this idea came from his own life experience, when he was living in his African homeland, Ethiopia.
“When I lived in Ethiopia, I remember seeing workers all day under the hot sun. At that time, when I was four years old, I didn’t understand what that meant. But when I thought about developing an impactful project, these scenes came to light, and I thought they could To improve the lives of thousands of people around the world.
Therefore, the newly created item is called STCP (Soap to Cure skin cancer) It works through a substance that helps stem cells protect themselves from disease, because they are the main target of cancerous structures.
Finally, when the project was presented to the final judges in the final stage of the competition held in Minnesota, Heyman declared that his invention was a symbol of hope and accessibility, of a world where treatment for this type of disease is within everyone's reach. As many patients as possible.
“Hardcore beer fanatic. Falls down a lot. Professional coffee fan. Music ninja.”
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