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Artificial intelligence calculates the probability of breast cancer spreading through organs |  Science and health

Artificial intelligence calculates the probability of breast cancer spreading through organs | Science and health

AI can predict whether cancer will spread to organs – Image: Getty Images

UK scientists developed a program supported by artificial intelligence able to predict the risk of deterioration in Triple negative breast cancer – one of the most aggressive and difficult to treat cases of the disease.

According to the researchers, the technology The medical team can help plan treatment, by indicating if the patient needs a more intensive approach since the tumor was discovered, depending on the chances of the condition developing into malignancy. When cancer cells spread to organs.

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The AI ​​program analyzes the immune capacity of lymph nodes, which are small structures scattered throughout the human body that are capable of fighting off harmful substances. The technology analyzes the stage of the disease and suggests the best treatments, based on recorded examples of other patients.

“By demonstrating that lymph node changes can predict whether triple-negative breast cancer will metastasize, we are building on our growing understanding of the important role the immune response can play in understanding a patient’s prognosis,” explains Anita Grigoriadis, research leader at King’s. London College, in independent.

“We’ve taken these findings under a microscope and translated them into a deep learning framework to create an AI model to help clinicians treat and care for patients, providing them with another tool in their arsenal to prevent secondary breast cancer,” he adds.

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“If, thanks to this research, it is possible to provide women with more personalized treatment and care based on the likelihood of their breast cancer spreading, it could help save lives and reduce stress and anxiety,” explains Simon Vincent, MD, Director of Breast Cancer Now. Research, support and influence.

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For the study published in Pathology JournalThe researchers tested their AI model on more than 5,000 lymph nodes donated by 345 patients to biobanks, such as Breast Cancer Now Bank. The researchers now hope that their AI model can be tested in clinical trials.

“We look forward to more discoveries to understand how this might work in practice to benefit women with this type of breast cancer.”

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