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Arthur says he doesn’t vote for a generation and complains about his brother’s vote

Arthur says he doesn’t vote for a generation and complains about his brother’s vote

In conversation with Viih Tube and Pocah in a kitchen “BBB 21(TV Globo), Arthur complained about the vote he got from Gilberto in confession.

“Jill voted for me. He said he voted for me. He and I wept,” Arthur said, to Fei’s amazement.

FeiTube replied, “Do you know what I said to a generation once?” Your agreement with Arthur will only end when one of them needs to vote for the other and it will happen. ”

Then Arthur said Gilberto did not need to vote for him.

“That’s the deal. I don’t vote for him. I told him,” You’re crazy, you’re stupid. Because next week, if you go and leave, no one will vote with you, ”he said. Crossfitter.He came to me crying and said, Sorry, I needed him. I said, ‘Take it,’ the brother continued.

Fei suggested that Gil could have voted for Caio, João, or Juliet, but corrected himself: “Juliet, no!” Sister said.

Arthur concluded, “Exactly. People who will vote for him from the moment he has no choice.”

In the previous Wall formation, which culminated in Theis’ elimination, Arthur voted for Gilberto in the confessional.

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