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Are you easily distracted?  According to Science, These 3 Habits Can Help You Small Business Big Business

Are you easily distracted? According to Science, These 3 Habits Can Help You Small Business Big Business

Worry;  Grief (Photo: Andrea Biacudio/Pixels)

Lack of focus can significantly disrupt routines, goals and relationships (Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)

Have you ever picked up your cell phone to do something specific and ended up getting distracted and forgetting what you were looking for? Or when you finished reading the page, did you realize that you had no idea what was written? It’s about losing focus – a normal thing, to an extent.

As neuroscientist Amishi Jha explains, according to the portal a companyThe human brain is programmed to be a distraction. So our ancestors could be aware of the dangers around them. Research shows, however, that lack of focus causes us to “lose” up to 50% of our lives.

This factor can also significantly disrupt routines, goals, and relationships. So Jha listed three habits that can help you stay focused:

1. One task at a time

In today’s society, with increasing competitiveness and pressure for productivity, it is common to see people trying to multitask. But make no mistake: according to Amishi Jha, this strategy is not good and will not lead you to good results. So, when you need to do something that requires focus, turn off phone and computer notifications and focus only on that.

2. Take mental breaks

Throughout the day, when you notice that you lose focus on your tasks using social media, for example, a good way to get out is to take a mental break. According to Jha, this time is simply to stop your activities and take a few deep breaths. This way, it will be easier to return to your tasks with greater focus.

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3. Do mindfulness exercises

Attention from the English languageFull concentration of the mind“It is the ability to be fully present in the moment, aware of your body and what is happening around you. It is not about seeking absolute focus, but understanding how it works and recovering it when necessary.

Using some techniques, according to Amishi Jha, you will be able to learn to redirect your focus in different situations.

One of these exercises can be summed up in four simple steps:

1. Sit upright and comfortable and think of your breath as the “target” of your attention. Notice the breathing sensations that are most obvious to you — such as the movement of your chest or the feeling of air coming out of your nostrils.

2. Notice when your mind withdraws from the breath. Perhaps your focus has shifted to thoughts, sensations, and memories.

3. When this happens, simply redirect your attention to your breathing.

4. Repeat the steps.

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