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Are you an individual?  Federal revenue facilitates the import of goods

Are you an individual? Federal revenue facilitates the import of goods

do you think of me Importing a product from abroad, but not a legal entity (PJ)? know that a file tax authority Recently published Standard Instruction (IN) nº 2101, responsible for modifying the method normal persons (PF) Bringing goods from abroad into the national territory.

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The new rule brings changes to IN nº 1861, for 2018. Effective 3 October, normal persons You will be able to source goods from abroad and bring them to Brazil with the help of an importer. Two methods will be allowed until then only by those who own a business:by order“and the”By account and order“.

How will it work?

In the case of an “on demand” import, the person concerned hires an importer organized in Brazil who then purchases the product abroad on its behalf and then resells it to the requesting party.

In the “calculate and order” method, an individual buyer buys the product abroad in his own name and with his own money, but hires an importer to do the customs clearance.

It should be noted that in the case of the “account and order” method, a person can order only goods related to his professional activities. The rule applies to craftsmen, artists or the like, and rural producers. This is because the products must be intended for personal consumption or for personal collections.

Reduce costs

to me Attorney Diego Joaquim specializes in customs law and Foreign trade and indirect imports will bring many advantages to individuals, such as better negotiation options and lower logistics costs. The trader becomes able to take over the transaction and only resell it to the buyer.

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Despite the developments, the tax authorities assure that in the event of irregularities or cases of attempting to hide imported products, the penalty includes the maximum penalty stipulated by law, which is the seizure and confiscation of goods.