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Arcangelo Scacchi, A Life in the Service of Science

Arcangelo Scacchi, A Life in the Service of Science

The Chapter of the Gravina Cathedral in Puglia announces the first event scheduled for the Christmas period in the Fini Library. And indeed, on December 10th, at 6:00 p.m., there will be an exhibition entitled “Chess Archangel: A Life in the Service of Science”, in which the following speakers will participate:
– Professor Rossella de Sigli, Department of Research and Innovation in the Humanities, University of Barry;
– Professor Rafael La Perna of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Barry University.
– Dr. Francesco Tarantini, Head of the Alta Murgia National Park.
– Don Giacomo Loroso, Director of the Cathedral Branch Heritage Museum
– Bishop Giovanni Ricciotti of Altamura-Gravina – Acquaviva delle Fonte

The event was organized on the occasion of an exhibition of the Scacchi family’s books and documents preserved in the Finney Library. Some of them are displayed in shop windows and can be admired during the event. Among these unpublished editions are texts published by the scientist himself and a sonnet dedicated to Stanislav Scacci, predecessor of Arcangelo.

The reputation of the Scacchi family was strengthened in the second half of the eighteenth century, with the election of Stanislau Scacchi as governor of Gravina, and would grow thanks to Arcangelo Scacchi’s brilliant career as a teacher and scholar, which would allow him to gain national and international fame.

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