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Aquamation: Understand Desmond Tutu’s Green Alternative to Cremation |  Community

Aquamation: Understand Desmond Tutu’s Green Alternative to Cremation | Community

Adaptation is a process in which “a combination of smooth flow of water, temperature, and alkalinity is used to accelerate the decomposition of organic matter,” according to Bio-Response Solutions, a North American company that specializes in the process. According to the company’s website, The process “consumes 90% less energy than cremation and does not emit gases Global Warming“.

The Cremation Association of North America (CANA), an international not-for-profit organization, defines cremation, or alkaline hydrolysis, as flameless cremation. In this procedure, the body is placed in an alkaline hydrolysis machine, which consists of an airtight chamber filled with a solution based on water and alkaline chemicals. Then, the chamber is heated and at the end of the process only the bones remain, according to the organization.

Once the bones are dry, they can be crushed. “The process results in approximately 32% more cremated remains than flame-based cremation and may require a larger urn,” says the CANA website.

In addition to advocating an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cremation, Toto also took other steps to ensure that his funeral was as modest as his lifestyle. According to the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, which he and his family run, The archbishop’s body was enclosed in a simple casket, which was “the cheapest available,” to avoid any kind of ostentation.

Desmond Tutu was an advocate for environmental issues and in 2007 wrote an article titled “This fatal satisfaction” to the Guardian, where he spoke of the disturbing impact of weather changes in the Global South and in the poorest communities.

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