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Anvisa suspends batches of Ypê detergents due to risk of contamination

Anvisa suspends batches of Ypê detergents due to risk of contamination

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) identified a case Suspension of batches and withdrawals of Ypê brand detergents It is dangerous Microbiological contamination. The batch numbers were published in last Tuesday’s 7th issue Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). Ypê stated, in a note posted on its website, that there had been a “slight change in its odor” and that the problem “does not represent any risk to the consumer’s health or safety.”

According to the agency, the potential contamination risk was detected after “identifying the deviation as a result of the analysis of monitoring production parameters” in all versions of the brand’s dishwashers.

This finding was found on batches ending in 1 or 3 that were manufactured between July, August, September, November and December of 2022. Anvisa has informed that it has ordered the marketing, distribution and use of the products to be suspended.

Odor problem

According to Yippi, the problem of mischaracterization of smell does not pose any health risks, but in some cases it may be “obvious to the sense of smell.”

“On a voluntary basis, after identifying such batches in our quality control, in April, we began voluntarily recalling and replacing the products, in accordance with Anvisa guidelines,” he said in a note.

See outstanding shares

According to Anvisa and the company, units will be collected in all versions. Below is the list with scent identification.

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Clear Care:

172051,179054,184054,185054,186054,233011,234011,235011,236011,242054,253011,255011,267051,269051,27 0051, 278011, 279011, 280011, 281011, 282011, 283011, 302051, 303051, 304051 314011, 315011, 316011 and 318011.


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225031, 226031, 242081, 314031, 323081, 325081, 060016, 173081, 174081, 175081, 176081, 177081, 178081, 223011, 224011, 23 9051, 240051, 242051, 271081, 272081, 273081, 299011, 300011, 302011, 303011 , 326051, 327051, 336016, 337016, 338016, 346016 and 347016.

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031016,040016,041016,042016,043016,127011,129011,130011,134081,135081,136081,137081,138081,148011,149011, 0011, 218011, 21 9011, 310011, 311011, 319016, 332016, 339016, 347016, 053016 , 054016, 141031, 221081, 222081, 223081, 227081, 228081, 229081, 279081, 280081, 288031, 315031 and 325016;


010016, 011016, 012016, 026016, 028016, 029016, 054016, 131011, 132011, 134011, 142011, 173011, 174011, 187011, 188011, 90 11, 193011, 194011, 195011, 200051, 213011, 220011, 221011, 228011, 229011 ,230011,241011,242011,248081,249081,256011,257011,262011,263011,264011,265011,266011,278061,279061,280061, 28 1061, 282061, 283051, 292011, 293011, 295011, 311011, 312011, 313011, 313061, 327011, 327016, 328011, 328016, 329011, 330011, 357016, 046016, 047016, 185081, 191081, 192081, 204101, 223081, 4 081, 23 2081, 234081, 268031, 269031, 309031 and 310031;


019056, 020056, 037056, 038056, 039056, 054056, 055056, 173001, 174001, 186064, 188001, 211001, 212001, 225001, 226001, 80 01, 228064, 237001, 239001, 272056, 320001, 321001, 322001, 324056, 325001 ,325056,326001,326056,327001,331056,336056,338056,356056,236001,016016,017016,024016,025016,026016,038016, 90 16, 040016, 172081, 172151, 173151, 174151, 175151, 176151, 177151, 178151, 188151 207151 208151 209151 210151 211081 212081 225011 226011 227011 228151 229151 4051, 234151, 235051.,235151, 236151, 239011, 241151, 279151, 282151, 283151,317151,318016,318151,321011,322011,325151,326151,327151 ,328151 ,333016,342016,346016,349016,048016,049016 050016,051016,176031,177031,207031,208031,227031,229031,236031, 237031,238031,282081,316031,317031,318031,319031,323031,325031, 326016, 327031,353016,355016,052016,171031,173031, 174031, 209031, 230031, 232031, 233031, 234031, 235031, 239031 and 327016.