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Announcing a new edition of the Notice of Girls and Women in Science.

Announcing a new edition of the Notice of Girls and Women in Science.

By Eskom Faberge

On Thursday, February 8, FAPERJ announces the launch of the second edition of Program for girls and women in exact sciences, earth sciences, engineering and computing. The notice aims to support female participation in areas where males are frequently present.

This initiative is being launched close to 11 February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. Since then, under the leadership of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), this date is celebrated in All over the world, in different countries. In celebration of this day, FAPERJ will hold an event “Girls and Women in Science: Progress and Perspectives” open to the entire scientific community on February 19, at 3 p.m., at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC).

FAPERJ Scientific Director, Ayelet Buskila, celebrates the relaunch of the programme. “This Notice has been a great success in its first edition. An essential measure is to encourage girls and young scientists to enter and remain in rigorous and technological fields where there is an underrepresentation of women. Contributing to the development of procedures and programs that encourage women’s participation in science is undoubtedly one of the Our organization's priorities.

According to FAPERJ President Gerson Lima, the institution remains strongly committed to promoting gender equality in science, and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. “FAPERJ has played an active role in creating carefully crafted Notices, with the aim of encouraging the entry and retention of women in the scientific community. In addition, this Notice has played a crucial role in facilitating the integration of universities, research institutions and public schools in the efforts of the United Nations in “The state of Rio de Janeiro thus has a significant impact on building a more inclusive and equitable future.”

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The Notice provides incentives aimed at promoting the awakening of professional interest of girls and women in basic education (primary education, from the sixth year and secondary school) and higher education for scientific and technological research in the areas covered by the program (exact sciences, earth, engineering and computing), With projects developed in public schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The resources allocated to finance the approved projects are in the range of R$ 3.5 million, with the possibility of awarding scholarships in the following modalities: Scientific Initiation (Young Talents – JT), Scientific Initiation (IC) and Training and Technical Training (TCT).

According to the Chair of FAPERJ’s Standing Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Leticia de Oliveira, the relaunch of this notice is further evidence of FAPERJ’s commitment to the pursuit of gender equality. “Reports provided by the coordinators of the first edition indicated that black girls living in peripheral areas, in particular, were able to glimpse the possibility of entering public university. This dream became a reality in several cases. “We are very proud of this program,” he said.

The event at ABC will bring together authorities, managers – The event program at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) will have an opening table, from 3pm to 4pm, in the presence of the President of FAPERJ, Gerson Lima; ABC President Helena Nader; Municipal Secretary of Science and Technology, Tatiana Roque; Secretary of State for Science and Technology, Mauro Azevedo; Scientific Director of FAPERJ, Alet Bouskila; Chair of the FAPERJ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Leticia de Oliveira; and Girls and Women in Science (SMCT) Program Coordinator, Teresa Paiva. At 4 p.m., the Young Women in Science award notification will be delivered to one of the winners, representing the group of 70 women whose projects were approved in the call for proposals, and the winners will then be announced. Relaunch of “Girls and Women in Science”, with testimonials from María Priscilla Besanha de Castro (UENF) and Ana Lucía Nunes de Souza (UFRJ). After that, Tatiana Roque will give a brief speech with the testimony of one of the students who won the Elisa Fruta Pessoa Award.

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Learn about the content of the new version of the program:

FAPERJ Notice No. 02/2024 – Program for Girls and Women in Exact Sciences, Earth Sciences, Engineering and Computing