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Anita reveals she will never fall in love with a woman: ‘The fun’ |  Entertainment news, horoscopes and cinema

Anita reveals she will never fall in love with a woman: ‘The fun’ | Entertainment news, horoscopes and cinema

At the age of thirty Anita She has already been married, divorced, dated an international singer and is now single, feeling fine on her own. The artist vented about relationships during the program Howard Sternshawon US Radio.

In the conversation, the presenter asked the singer about the duplicity, and he revealed it without equivocation You will never fall in love with a womanbecause it was always an ephemeral thing.

“I haven’t been with a woman in a while. But I don’t think I’ll ever fall in love with one. It’s always been fun.” but i never say “never”. I’m not looking now, I like being alone. Loving. Anita commented.

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In terms of relationships, the powerful revealed that at this moment in life, it is best for her to be single as she feels that she will not get involved with anyone who is not compatible with her.

“now I’m more selective. I’m not in love now. I’ve been there several times. But nowadays I am completely different. interest. I went to therapy, and after turning 30 it changed everything, it’s kind of crazy. “It was out of nowhere.”

His last relationship was with a DJ and producer Morda Petz. They reportedly broke up after she won a VMA award and then both stopped following each other on social media. At the time, Anita revealed that she was done giving an overview of life and had to move not to let her get to her.

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