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Anita comments on performing in small venues in the US: ‘I needed courage’ |  TV & Celebrities

Anita comments on performing in small venues in the US: ‘I needed courage’ | TV & Celebrities

Anita talks international touring in small spaces – Photo: Globo

The Girl from Rio is in its heyday worship! Although her international tour has been a target for comments in Brazil – as it occupies venues with capacity for smaller shows – Anita has approached this moment the same way she has with many other moves in her career: strategically.

“I believe I have here the image of a non-Brazilian, alternative artist. Underground, it begins, which brings a different sound. “It took a lot of courage for me to do this without worrying that the Brazilian is going to say I’m singing for some here too,” Anita reflected.

Anita at a show in NY – Photo: Brazil News

“All the places I went to were so-called alternative artists’ places. Rituals Weird, right?” Anitha explained. The reporter asked if Anitha was an artist now worship – Definition used works or artists with small but very loyal fan bases.

“Man, this is my dream!”, Anita frantically replied.

International strategy

Anita performs in Boston

“I don’t have this ego and this concern of ‘Oh, because others will talk.’ As some say my show is for a few people, it’s for 3 thousand people or 4 thousand people. Guys, if you don’t like it, don’t listen,” commented Anitha.

Anita at a show in NY – Photo: Brazil News

The singer explained that the choice for small spaces is part of his entrepreneur’s strategy, but they are also connected to the Brazilian identity in his work.

“Being small [o lugar]We can convey exactly the Brazilian party energy”, explained Anita.