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Anil agrees to a 14.57% change in the electricity bill of this state

Anil agrees to a 14.57% change in the electricity bill of this state

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) has approved the annual tariff adjustment for 2023 in Alagoas. The decision was issued on Tuesday the 23rd. The values ​​submitted by Equatorial Alagoas, which serves approximately 1.33 million consumer units in the state, were thus approved.

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Modify anything “welcome”

news rates On the energy bill will take effect from next Sunday, the 28th.

Thus, the adjustment for residential consumers would be 14.57%. For low voltage restricted consumers, the increase will be 15.05% while for high voltage consumers it will rise to 24.19%. Overall, the average consumer impact will be adjusted by 17.59%.

According to Anil, the amounts were affected mainly due to expenses related to the financial components. Costs along with sector and energy fees also contributed to the increase.

The water crisis in 2021 will be a factor

Through a published note, the press office of Equatorial Alagoas claimed that “the effect of readjustment comes from a combination of factors, which are reflected in costs with generation, transportation and distribution electricity. With the emphasis on the loan obtained in 2022 by all distributors in Brazil to cover the effects of the water scarcity crisis that occurred in 2021.

Despite that, the Annual Tariff Adjustment (RTA) stipulated in the concession contract. In addition to this change, the Periodic Review of the Tariff (RTP) is also part of the state’s contract with the company, but the RTA only occurs in years when there is no RTP.

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In this case, Part B is updated according to the inflation index specified in the contract and the value of the X factor determined by laws and decisions is removed.