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“And Patricia?”  · the news

“And Patricia?” · the news

Fatima Bernardes’ participation in the final chapter of Vai na Fé on Friday night (11) caused a lot of talk on social media. The journalist appeared at the helm of a fictional program, the Fátima Bernardes Show, which was referred to as a transcript of the meeting. A netizen asked, “Patricia Poita?” About the current presenter of the morning show.

according to the news The journalist had already expected to make a cameo interviewing Saul (Sheron Menezes) on Roseanne’s series Svartman. The solution the production found was to put it in front of a new format, mixing Encontro with a talk show.

Opera Globo at Seven o’clock also noted Domingau’s portrait with Faustão (1989-2021), and Jennifer’s mother (Bela Campos) also won a Secret Archive-style honor. The dancer was surprised by a statement from Donna Ned (Ned Braga).

The scene was echoed on social media. “At Vai na Fé, Fatima Bernardes still presents the meeting,” she pointed to a profile identified as Viviane. The drama currently takes place in the year 2024 due to the passage of time, is it an easter egg for the future Fátima Bernardes show? Vitotin sarcastically.

Letícia wrote: “A day ago, didn’t a story come out that Fatima Bernardes would be getting a new program on GNT? So now they put her on a soap opera to present a new program on Vai na Fé”.

Edited by Luna “Fátima Bernardes, what program is this? It looks like RedeTV!”. Andressa continued, “Would it be a dream? Fatima Bernardes’ return to the meeting?” Paolo Jr. concluded, “Vai na Fé gives Globo ideas to bring Fatima Bernardes back to a talk show, a place he should never have left.”

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Vai na Fé will be replaced by Fozzie, by Gustavo Reese, which is being recorded at Globo Studios, in Rio de Janeiro, and will premiere next Monday (14). a The feuilleton will feature Giovanna Cordero and Marina Ruy Barbosa in the main roles of Young Lady and Villain, respectively.

Subscribe in the channel the news on YouTube And watch reveal videos of what’s going to happen on Vai na Fé and other televsion.