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Amounts Due Consultation: Was it issued today (11/17)?  See when MONEY FORGOTTEN can be consulted, according to BC

Amounts Due Consultation: Was it issued today (11/17)? See when MONEY FORGOTTEN can be consulted, according to BC

Brazilians have high expectations for the release The second stage of counseling From “forgotten money” In the received value system Still this year. The Central Bank reports that there are billions of forgotten riyals in banks and financial institutions across the country.

Citizens have not yet been able to hold new consultations. This is because the strike of the institution’s employees ended up delaying the implementation of the tool that allowed the verification of values. With the end of the strike, expectations are higher for the return of the new phase of Forgotten questions about money🇧🇷

So check out how to query a file Money forgot And the latest news about received value system From central bank🇧🇷

Amounts due to the central bank

a received value system Used to designate the amount that has been forgotten in checking accounts or savings accounts, in financial institutions. In addition, amounts that are inappropriately charged in credit charges are part of the system.

Central bank data indicates that there are currently about R$8 billion in forgotten amounts. In the first phase, R$4 billion was available for return. Therefore, in this second phase, Money forgot In banks up to nearly more than 4 billion Brazilian reals🇧🇷

Where does the forgotten money come from?

a Forgot the central bank money comes from:

  • checking or savings accounts that have been closed (but still have available balance);
  • Amounts improperly charged for tariffs, installments or credit operations;
  • equity stakes and distribution of net surpluses in credit unions; And the
  • Amounts related to closed alliances that have not been withdrawn.
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Consultation expected?

Despite the high expectations of citizens, the Central Bank has not announced the date for the consultation of the second phase of the debt value system. For this reason, values ​​analysis cannot be expected.

How to inquire about dues

At the outset, it is important to clarify that the Inquiry Forgot money in banks It must be held in the new Central Bank (BC) platform.

The request for inquiry and withdrawal of forgotten funds from the central bank is “temporarily suspended for improvement,” according to the central bank’s website. In addition, as previously reported, a strike by civil servants impeded the possibility of a curator’s consultation in May.

Citizens who have already had their initial consultation received a set date to return to Values ​​areceber.bcb.gov.br🇧🇷

From now on, if you haven’t already done so, you should access the above website and create a Check amounts receivable Using your CPF number and your date of birth. for Consult the forgotten money You must have access to a Gov.br account, Silver or Gold level. This is a must if you want to know how much you have available.

After completing the initial consultation, you should access the above site and follow the steps below:

  • sign in;
  • consult the amount to be received; the institution that must return the amount; or forgotten origin of money;
  • Click on the option ‘Order here’ to receive via Pix, or on the option ‘Order via institution’ to call and arrange which banking institution you will be.

New laws

the system accounts receivable Some changes after completing the first stage. One of them is that it will not be necessary to implement scheduling🇧🇷 In this way, the citizen will be able to request the withdrawal of funds at the time of the first consultation.

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In addition, the system will rely on new information passed by financial institutions. That is, those who did not have sums should receive them at the first stage Consult again system, where the data will be refreshed and a new amount may be available for you to withdraw.

How to withdraw forgotten money?

After creating your initial account in the system Amounts due , It is necessary to withdraw amounts, if you have an available amount.

Below, see how to withdraw receivables:

  • Access to the site Values ​​areceber.bcb.gov.br On the date announced and logged in;
  • Next, make inquiries about the amounts to be received; the institution that must return the amount; forgotten origin of money;
  • Click the ′′Order via Here′′ option to receive via Pix, or the ′′Order via Establishment′′ option to connect and order to the organization of your choice.

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