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America’s largest birth and six consecutive years of decline since 1979  The world

America’s largest birth and six consecutive years of decline since 1979 The world

The baby boom forecast for 2020 in the United States has not been fulfilled, with births down 4% compared to the previous year, despite restrictions and imprisonment imposed by the Govt-19 epidemic, the official report said Wednesday. (5).

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) estimates that about 3.6 million babies were born in the country last year. It was born for the sixth year in a row, following the 2014 hike. This is the lowest birth rate since 1979.

The provisional total fertility rate is 1,637.5 births per 1,000 women, which is equivalent to 1.6 children per woman, well below the 2.1 mark required to ensure renewal each generation.

Births in each ethnic group declined, but fell sharply among Americans of Asian descent, down 8% from the previous year, followed by Native Americans by 6%.

For white and black women, the fall rate was 4% and among Hispanics it was 3%.

Births have declined for all ages. This includes, in particular, a 2% decrease among women aged 40 to 44, a population group with an almost continuous increase in births from 1985 to 2019.

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