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Americanas (AMER3) create ‘incorrect’ copies and ‘act in bad faith’ in court, says Itau (ITUB4)

Americanas (AMER3) create ‘incorrect’ copies and ‘act in bad faith’ in court, says Itau (ITUB4)

Itai stated that the circular letter from Americana (AMER3) referring to the year 2016 is incorrect (Photo: Renan Dantas/Money Times)

a Itaú Unibanco (ITUB4) and the The Americans (Amer 3) got into a new clash after the company sent the final report to judicial recovery.

The Americanas document states that by analyzing the documents provided by the retailer, it will be possible to note that in 2016, KPMG reported in the “Recommendations Report on Financial Statements” it received from Two financial institutions Responses to circular letters with the balance of credit operations Risk parity.

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The letters, which inform the document, were later corrected and replaced with other letters that, according to KPMG, “did not provide a line to run a waiver of credit to suppliers (forfait)”.

Circular letters are official documents, through which independent auditors review information from third parties about their clients, in order to collect data for the interpretation and validation of financial statements.

Americana has two versions of the report. Earlier, the company Release the document without sensitive information. According to O Globo’s columnist Lauro Jardim, the two financial institutions mentioned by KPMG in the public document are Itaú and Santander (Saab 11).

Itai says Americana (AMER3) is acting in “bad faith”

to Money TimesItash stated that it was wrong to replace the circular letter related to the year 2016 sent on 1/13/2017. “The fact of the matter is that the letter sent contained all the usual information including that relating to the stakes drawn,” he said in a note.

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However, upon receipt of the letter, Americana asked the bank to replace it, except for the information about the withdrawn risk, which was promptly deniedFoundation said.

In another act indicates bad faith In this case, the company and its lawyers are attempting to create incorrect versions that seek to remove the sole and exclusive responsibility of its management, including the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors, for the preparation and accuracy of the financial statements.

Itach stated that, in response to the bank’s refusal, on 1/31/2017, Americana management requested, in writing, to send the details of some of the transactions included in the original letter, a request that does not include information about the risks drawn. .

“In response to this second request, the ITU sent an additional document, referring to the original letter, which was even attached to the second report, so that all information requested from the beginning of the operation would be available for audit.”

According to the report, Americana has not yet commented. The space remains open for your positioning.