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All the flowers help Globo from embarrassment · TV news

All the flowers help Globo from embarrassment · TV news

In October 2021, even before Um Lugar ao Sol premiered in prime time on Globo, Todas as Flores was approved as a replacement for the remake of Pantanal (2022). The series suffered a setback when it was replaced by Travessia, which was launched a year ago on open TV just nine days before The Conspiracy of João Emanuel Carneiro entered the Globoplay catalogue. But the saga that the broadcaster neglected became a lifeline in the struggle for leadership in the audience rating.

Last year, after Globo announced the change of series at 9 p.m., word of the relegation rang out everywhere, which upset not only the author of Todas as Flores, but also everyone involved in the production. But the game changed quickly. The first part of revenge for the mockery to which the series was subjected came with good reactions among subscribers of the live broadcast platform.

The majority praised Todas as Flores on social media and questioned Globo for not featuring him on open television. This was supported by series critics, and reviews were glowing in the mainstream media.

The Maíra (Sophie Charlotte) saga creates buzz weekly, whenever a new block is made available on Globoplay. But not everyone liked the second part of the series, but that’s another topic. The 45 seasons of the first season have just been broadcast on Globo and have also become popular with open TV viewers. The revenge was completed successfully.

The 10 o’clock soap opera savors the phrase, “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” That’s it, there’s no need to rush. A year after the controversy that dominated social media left Globo executives satisfied with the strategy adopted, Todas as Flores is the broadcaster’s lifeline.

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While brand new TV series, such as Fuzuê and the remake of Elas por Elas, are setting negative audience records, the 10 o’clock TV series is doing its part beautifully – even though it is already available for viewing in a marathon on Globoplay.

This is further evidence that burning TV series does not affect its audience. The audience can research and discover everything that will happen with Maíra and her company, while remaining fixed in front of the television.

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