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Air Quality and Urban Forest Week kicks off with exhibition and lectures at the Science Museum

Air Quality and Urban Forest Week kicks off with exhibition and lectures at the Science Museum

The Municipal Secretariat for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation was officially inaugurated last Monday morning (19/09), at the Professor’s Museum of Science. Mario Tolentino, Air Quality and Urban Forestry Week, which aims to show the impact of urban forests on maintaining air quality, and thus on natural areas for people’s health.

With the support of the Departments of Education and Public Services, UFSCar and the University of São Paulo Scientific and Cultural Publishing Center (CDCC/USP), the event began with a lecture by the Municipal Secretary for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, José Galizia Tondisi, with the participation of the Minister of Education, Prof. Wanda Hoffmann, Minister for Childhood and Youth, Anna Paula Vaz and Dr. Silvia Martins dos Santos of CDCC/USP.

“We are working hard on the sustainability of the municipality and the main point of sustainability is reforestation and development of areas in a mosaic of vegetation cover and the restoration of degraded areas. The presence of vegetation cover has important aspects, it first protects biodiversity, protects the recharge of aquifers and reduces air pollution.

The secretary stated that São Carlos has a deficit, but the creation of 20 urban parks with an area of ​​more than 300 hectares has helped the municipality a lot. The region with the greatest deficit is the central region, where it is necessary to plant trees. “We need to educate the population and establish a culture of citizen science,” concludes Tondisi.

Minister of Education Wanda Hoffmann spoke about the work being done in schools in the Municipal Education Network. “We provide teacher training through the ACorDar project, which implements professional training covering the main challenges we face today to preserve our environment and our lives, based on the Sustainable Development Goals. Until October, there will be 13 virtual meetings on the Google platform with partners dealing with the topic of the environment and the goals of Sustainable development. We also have “Horta na Escola”, another environmental education and citizenship project, where students plant, take care of the family, observe the growth of plants and harvest, thus learning about the environment and eating healthy,” said the company secretary, recalling that the municipality also uses products that comply with sustainability. Throughout the education network.

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Silvia Martins dos Santos of CDCC/\USP, spoke on the Historical, Social, and Environmental Atlas of the Hydrographic Regions of São Carlos, organized by CDCC/USP in partnership with UFSCar’s Department of Teaching Methodology. This publication is the result of the “Using Hydrographic Basins as an Educational and Extension Unit” project, supported by CNPq. Since 1985, CDCC has been developing projects and programs using the watershed as an educational and extension unit. However, a recurring request, during the implementation stages of these programs, is always Producing an article that presents contents on the origin and geological composition of the area, biodiversity, water resources, the history of the urban occupation of São Carlos, taking into account in reference to their hydrographic microbes and this atlas fulfills this demand”, explained Silvia Martins dos Santos.

The digital version of the Historical and Socio-Environmental Atlas of the Hydrographic Regions of São Carlos is available at: http://cdcc.usp.br/publicacoes/.

The photography exhibitions “Foco-Síntese” and “São Carlos for its Basins” at the Museum of Science Prof. Mario Tolentino.

Check out the full schedule for Air Quality Week and Urban Forests in São Carlos:

9/21 – Wednesday:

From 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Wednesday with Bicho in Parque Ecológico de São Carlos – there will be two groups of 25 places each. Entries must be made in the management of the ecological park “Dr. Antônio Teixeira Vianna”, located in Estrada Municipal Guilherme Scatena, 2 km. To register, it is necessary to donate 2 kg of food to dogs or cats, which can be adults or puppies. Donations to the Municipal Feed Bank More information can be obtained by calling (16) 3361-2429 or 3361-4456.

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9 am – Tree planting

Location: Municipal Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation Headquarters – Rua Tres de Mayo, 2.272 – Centro

Produced by: SMACTI.

2 p.m. – Screening of “Once Upon a Time in a Forest”

Number of vacancies: 50

Location: Science Museum A. Mario Tolentino

Perception: SMACTI, SME, Eco-Speaker Film Festival

2:00 pm – Tree planting with the participation of students from the municipal school system

Location: Rua Waldemar Ivo de Medeiros – Jardim Gibertoni

Perception: SMACTI, SME, SMSP;

9/22 – Thursday:

2:00 pm – Tree planting with the participation of students from the municipal school system

Location: Rua Waldemar Ivo de Medeiros – Jardim Gibertoni

Perception: SMACTI, SME, SMSP;

23/9 – Friday:

9:00 am to 12:00 pm – Training in the principles of afforestation and urban pruning

Location: Science Museum A. Mario Tolentino

Number of vacancies: 40

Perception: SMACTI, SME, SMSP;

9:00 am – Tree planting with the participation of students from the municipal school system

Location: Figueira Branca Farm – Santa Eudóxia

Perception: SMACTI, SME, SMSP;

2:00 pm – Tree planting with the participation of students from the municipal school system

Location: Rua Waldemar Ivo de Medeiros – Jardim Gibertoni

Perception: SMACTI, SME, SMSP;

9/24 – Saturday:

8:00 AM – Guided Tour of the Cerrado Nature Trail at UFSCar

Number of vacancies: 30

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1asrHNyhGtmjkO_6BQfBJOZc-Wg4WctXAgDQNmen6Zh0/viewform?edit_requested=true

Realization: Nature Trail – UFSCar;

9/25 – Sunday

16:00 – Opening of the bee rink

Location: Praça da XV

Produced by: SMACTI.
