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Agroecology, science and policy

Agroecology, science and policy

The current global food system, operated by a handful of companies, is based on industrial farming practices that cause greenhouse gas emissions, produce unhealthy foods and are still responsible for the alarming number of poisonings of workers and residents of the world. to use pesticides.

WHO data It turns out that the number of poisonings is only increasing, there are about twenty thousand deaths annually due to pesticide consumption. National Board of Health (The central nervous system) He has also spoken out many times about this reality, calling for more active action to reduce the use of pesticides in food, such as the repeal of PL 6299/2002, better known as the Poisons Bill, and the resumption of action by the Food Safety and Nutrition Council (Consea).

The picture is grave and we cannot expect the will of the big agricultural companies to solve it ─ or at least mitigate it. After all, KM was not in the agribusiness with no intention of ending hunger and never had the intention of ending hunger, even having the power to do so. In general, conquests for social improvements were only exploited by popular mobilization. In this sense, it is the struggle of thousands of families that comprises the Peasant Peasant Movement and other peasant movements that fight for agrarian reform and defend other models of agriculture. In this same logic, agroecology cultivates countless alternatives to handling the land and opposing the dying system cultivated by agribusiness.

We have to understand this in a broad and deep way, but in clear and objective language Peter M. russet that it Miguel A They devoted themselves to creating work Agroecology: Science and Policy. It took off in Brazil, last year, by mobilizing several organizations, among them, Publisher UnespThe book is part of the series Peasant studies and agricultural change.

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other words that it Publisher Unesp lottery 2 copies in Agroecology: Science and Policyin Peter M. russet that it Miguel A, among those who support our in-depth journalism from a post-capitalist perspective. The lottery will be opened for entry up to Monday today 8/28to 2 m. network members Another five hundred You will receive the participation form via email in the newsletter sent to those who contribute. Register on our site Support yourself to reach!

The survey was first launched in 2015. In it, the authors defend agroecology as a model opposing agricultural production resulting from the “Green Revolution.” In addition, data based on their experience with social movements and farmers in the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa are disclosed. Emphasis on the political nature of this science.

“The real roots of agroecology lie in the ecological logic of indigenous and peasant farming that still prevails in many parts of the developing world.”

Preserving the environment and agro-biodiversity on the planet are two very valuable components of agroecology, which is why this is the system in which life can thrive in its diversity. This is why practitioners and researchers tirelessly defend it—after all, it offers us an antidote to poison.

However, agroecological technologies have been appropriated, misrepresented, and sold with labels of “climate-smart agriculture” or “sustainable intensification,” in an effort to make the agribusiness model “a little more sustainable.” This is the kind of takeover that the business also aims to combat.

Agroecology can be used for the opposite, to cultivate life, protect the planet and its resources, and eradicate hunger.

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“Agroecology is politics; it requires that we challenge the power structures of society. We need to give control of seeds, biodiversity, lands, territories, waters, knowledge, culture and common goods to the people who feed the world.”

The book covers everything from the history and scientific basis of agroecology to its politics and the controversy in which the science has found itself. becoming a great entry point for both those who want to know about the subject, and for those who already master it, due to the in-depth nature of the research.

About the authors

Peter M. russet Professor of Agroecology at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Ecosor) in Mexico. He is also a professor in the Graduate Program in Sociology (PPGS) at Ceará State University (UECE) and in the Graduate Program in Regional Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (TerritoriAL) at Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), both in Brazil, and a visiting scholar. at the Institute for Social Research (Cusri) at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

Miguel A He is Professor Emeritus of Agroecology in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley, co-director of the Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Agroecologicas (Celia), and a farmer at the Ines Agro-ecological Farm in Alma Mia, Antioquia, Colombia. He was the founding president of the Latin American Scientific Society for Agroecology (SOCLA).

In partnership with Unesp Publisher, a other words I will lottery 2 copies in Agroecology: Science and Policyin Peter M. russet that it Miguel A, among those who support our in-depth journalism from a post-capitalist perspective. The lottery will be opened for entry up to Monday today 8/28to 2 m. network members Another five hundred You will receive the participation form via email in the newsletter sent to those who contribute. Register on our website Support yourself to reach!

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